Properties Reference

Most of the following Commander object properties are available as search filters. Properties documented here that aren't useful as search filters are displayed on the object's Summary tab or in table columns. You can retrieve the values of many of these properties through variables. Costs are displayed in your preferred currency, or in the default currency if no user currency has been specified. To change your currency preference, see Select your display currency.

Auto Scaling Group properties (AWS)

These properties are displayed in the General and Details pane for an AWS auto scaling group.



All Owner Emails

Email address of all owners (primary owner, IT contact, other owner).

All Owner Logins

All owner login IDs (primary owner, IT contact, other owner).

All Owner Names

Real name of all users (primary owner, IT contact, other owner) associated with the username.

Availability Zone(s)

Availability zones associated with the auto scaling group.

Tag Compliance Issue

If the service's tag compliance state is Non-compliant, indicates the compliance issue: Incomplete or Unverified.

Tag Compliance State

The tag compliance state for the service: Compliant or Non-compliant.

Current Capacity

Current number of instances in the auto scaling group.

Custom Attribute

Any custom attribute created in Configuration > Custom Attributes that can be applied to a service.

Date Created

Date and time when the service was created.

Default Cooldown (sec)

Time between scaling activities, in seconds.

Desired Capacity

Desired number of instances for this auto scaling group.

Expiry Date

Expiry date for the service.

Expiry Extensions Remaining

The number of expiry extensions remaining. If an expiry extension limit was set, the value is the number of extensions remaining. If no extensions remain, the value is 0. If expiry extensions aren't allowed, or no maximum was set, the value is blank. For more information, see Manage Expired Services Through Policies.

Expiry Group

The expiry group this service belongs to.

Expiry State

Expiry state of the service. Values can be:

  • Expired
  • Never Expires
  • No Expiry Date Set
  • Not Expired
  • Post Expiry
  • Soon to Expire

Health Check Grace Period (sec)

Time to wait before checking instance health, in seconds.

Health Check Type

Type of health check to perform.

Instance Protection

Indicates whether instances in the auto scaling group are protected from scale-in.

IT Contact Email

Email address of the IT contact, if known.

IT Contact Login

User ID of the IT contact, if known.

IT Contact Name

Full name of the IT contact, if known.

Launch Configuration Name

The launch configuration used to launch the instances in the auto scaling group.

Load Balancers

Number of load balancers associated with this auto scaling group.

Maintenance Group

The maintenance group this service belongs to.

Maximum Capacity

Maximum number of instances that should be running in this auto scaling group.

Minimum Capacity

Minimum number of instances that should be running in this auto scaling group.


Name of the organization that the service is assigned to.

Primary Owner Email

Email address of the primary owner, if known.

Primary Owner Login

User ID of the primary owner, if known.

Primary Owner Name

Full name of the primary owner, if known.

Suspended Processes

Number of scaling processes that are suspended.

Termination Policies

Comma-separated list of criteria used to select instances for termination when reducing capacity.

Cloud account properties

Certain cloud account properties are displayed only in the Storage view.




The address of the cloud account.

AWS Service Health Dashboard

The URL for the AWS Service Health Dashboard (

AWS only.

Billing Retrieval Configured

Indicates whether billing retrieval is configured for this cloud account. Available values are Yes or No.

Public cloud only.


Indicates whether the cloud account is currently connected to Commander, with a Yes or No.

Container Runtime

The container runtime for the Kubernetes cluster.

Kubernetes only.

Custom Attributes

Any custom attribute created in Configuration > Custom Attributes that can be applied to a cloud account.

Google Cloud Platform Status

The URL for the Google Cloud Status Dashboard (

GCP only.

Historical Events Retrieved

Indicates how far back in time historical events have been retrieved.

vCenter only.

Kubelet Version

The kubelet version for the first node in the Kubernetes cluster.

Kubernetes only.

Kube-Proxy Version

The kube-proxy version for the first node in the Kubernetes cluster.

Kubernetes only.

Last Update Time

Date and time that Commander last successfully retrieved updates for the cloud account from the public cloud vendor. For Kubernetes, the date and time that Commander last successfully retrieved an update for the cluster.

Public cloud and Kubernetes only.

Maintenance Group

The maintenance group for this cloud account.

Cloud Account Added

The date when the cloud account was added to Commander.

Cloud Account Version

The version of the cloud account.

vCenter and SCVMM only.

Microsoft Azure Status

The URL for the Microsoft Azure Service Health Dashboard (


The display name of the cloud account.

Number of Datacenters

The number of datacenters in the cloud account.

For AWS, this is the number of availability zones. For GCP, this is the number of zones. Not displayed for Azure or Kubernetes.

Number of Datastores

The number of datastores associated with the cloud account.

For public clouds, this property is displayed only in the Storage view and on the Cloud Accounts tab of the Infrastructure view.

Number of Hosts

The number of hosts in the cloud account.

vCenter and SCVMM only.

Number of Namespaces

The number of namespaces in the cluster.

Kubernetes only.

Number of Nodes

The number of nodes in the cluster.

Kubernetes only.

Number of Pods

The number of pods in the cluster.

Kubernetes only.

Number of Projects

The number of GCP projects in this cloud account.

GCP only.

Number of Resource Groups

The number of resource groups in the cloud account.

Azure only.

Number of Storage Accounts

The number of storage accounts in the cloud account.

Azure only.

Number of Templates in Inventory

The number of templates in inventory. Displayed in the Storage view > Managed folder.

vCenter only.

Number of VMs

The number of VMs in the cloud account.

Not displayed for Kubernetes.

Number of Volumes

The number of volumes in the cluster.

Kubernetes only.

Number of Templates Out of Inventory

The number of templates out of inventory. Displayed in the Storage view > Unmanaged folder.

vCenter only.

Number of VMs in Inventory

The number of VMs in inventory. Displayed in the Storage view.

vCenter only.

Number of VMs Out of Inventory

The number of VMs out of inventory. Displayed in the Storage view.

vCenter only.

Number of Zones

The number of GCP zones in this cloud account.

GCP only.


The port used to connect to the cloud account.

Blank for public cloud accounts.

Portal Console Username

If VM console credentials have been configured for this cloud account using a specific user account, displays the username specified for the Service Portal. Otherwise, the value is blank.

vCenter only.

System Type

The cloud platform. Can be VMware Virtual Center, Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, Kubernetes Cluster, Microsoft SCVMM, or Unknown.


The username used to add the cloud account.

For AWS, displays the Access Key ID. For Azure, displays the Subscription ID. Not displayed for GCP or Kubernetes.

vCommander Console Username

If VM console credentials have been configured for this cloud account using a specific user account, displays the username specified for Commander. Otherwise, the value is blank.

vCenter only.

Cluster properties

These properties are applicable only to vCenter and SCVMM.



Additional Reserve Details

The Additional Reserve setting for this cluster: either Use Global Defaults, or a percentage value for CPU and Memory. See Set the default reserved capacity for performance and growth.

Additional Reserved CPU (GHz)

The Additional Reserved CPU for this cluster, in GHz. See Set the default reserved capacity for performance and growth.

Additional Reserved Memory (GB)

The Additional Reserved memory for this cluster, in GB. See Set the default reserved capacity for performance and growth.

Additional Reserves Overridden

Indicates whether the default values for additional reserves have been overridden for this cluster (Yes or No). See Set the default reserved capacity for performance and growth.

Capacity Change (Average)

Change (from seven days ago) in the number of VMs that can be deployed to this cluster, calculated using average usage. See Manage Host and Cluster Capacity.

Capacity Change (Peak)

Change (from seven days ago) in the number of VMs that can be deployed to this cluster, calculated using peak usage. See Manage Host and Cluster Capacity.

Capacity Remaining (Average)

Number of VMs that can be deployed to this cluster, calculated using average usage. See Manage Host and Cluster Capacity.

Capacity Remaining (Peak)

Number of VMs that can be deployed to this cluster, calculated using peak usage. See Manage Host and Cluster Capacity.

Constraining Resource (Average)

The constraining resource on this cluster (Memory, CPU or Storage), calculated using average usage.

Constraining Resource (Peak)

The constraining resource on this cluster (Memory, CPU or Storage), calculated using peak usage.

CPU Workload (GHz)

The CPU required for a typical VM on this cluster; used in capacity calculations. See Manage Host and Cluster Capacity.

Custom Attribute

Any custom attribute created in Configuration > Custom Attributes that can be applied to a cluster.

DRS Automation Level

The VMware Distributed Resource Scheduler level set for the cluster.

DRS Enabled

Indicates whether VMware Distributed Resource Scheduler is balancing VM workloads across hosts in a cluster with a Yes or No.

vCenter only.

Excluded Hosts

Indicates whether hosts in this cluster are excluded from capacity calculations with a Yes or No.

HA Enabled

Indicates whether VMware High Availability is running on a cluster to automatically recover host failures with a Yes or No.

vCenter only.

HA Failover Details

Details for the particular HA Failover Policy configured for the cluster in vCenter:

  • If the failover policy is Specify Hosts, this property provides a comma-separated list of failover host names.
  • If the failover policy is Resource Percentage, this property provides the CPU and memory reservation as percentages. Example: CPU = 25%, Memory = 25%
  • If the failover policy is Host Failover Tolerance, this property provides the tolerance level as a number of hosts. Example: Tolerance Level = 1
  • vCenter only.

HA Failover Policy

The Admission Control policy configured for this cluster in vCenter. Values can be Specify Hosts, Resource Percentage, Host Failover Tolerance, or Not Applicable (if Admission Control isn't enabled, or if HA is disabled).

vCenter only.

HA Reserved CPU (GHz)

The amount of CPU reserved as failover spare capacity, in GHz.

  • If the HA Failover Policy is Host Failover Tolerance, this property provides the amount of reserved CPU, corresponding to the number of host failures the cluster tolerates. For example, if you've specified a host failure tolerance of 1, and your cluster has two hosts with a total CPU of 6.4 GHz, the HA Reserved CPU will be 3.2 GHz.
  • If the HA Failover Policy is Resource Percentage, this property provides the amount of reserved CPU, corresponding to the percentage of cluster resources reserved as failover spare capacity. For example, if you've specified 25% of CPU as failover spare capacity, and the cluster has a total CPU of 6.4 GHz, the HA Reserved CPU will be 1.6.
  • If the HA Failover Policy is Specify Hosts, this property is blank.

This value is populated and updated by the Update Performance and Capacity task (which is run as a nightly automated task, and can also be run manually). See Manually update capacity information for cluster or hosts for more information.

vCenter only.

HA Reserved Memory (GB)

The amount of memory reserved as failover spare capacity, in GB.

  • If the HA Failover Policy is Host Failover Tolerance, this property provides the amount of reserved memory, corresponding to the number of host failures the cluster tolerates. For example, if you've specified a host failure tolerance of 1, and your cluster has two hosts with a total memory of 16 GB, the HA Reserved CPU will be 8 GB.
  • If the HA Failover Policy is Resource Percentage, this property provides the amount of reserved memory, corresponding to the percentage of cluster resources reserved as failover spare capacity. For example, if you've specified 25% of memory as failover spare capacity, and the cluster has a total memory of 16 GB, the HA Reserved CPU will be 4.
  • If the HA Failover Policy is Specify Hosts, this property is blank.

This value is populated and updated by the Update Performance and Capacity task (which is run as a nightly automated task, and can also be run manually). See Manually update capacity information for cluster or hosts for more information.

vCenter only.

Memory Workload (GB)

The memory required for a typical VM on this cluster; used in capacity calculations. See Manage Host and Cluster Capacity.


The name of the cluster.

Number of Datastores

The number of datastores in the datastore cluster.

Number of Hosts

The number of hosts associated with a datastore cluster.

Number of VMs

The number of VMs in the datastore cluster.

Storage Workload (GB)

The storage required for a typical VM on this cluster; used in capacity calculations. See Manage Host and Cluster Capacity.

Total CPU (GHz)

Total CPU resources assigned to this cluster.

Total Memory (GB)

Total memory resources assigned to this cluster.

Total Processors

Number of processors in all of the hosts in this cluster.

VM Workload Overridden

Indicates whether the default values for typical VM workload have been overridden for this cluster (Yes or No). See Set the default VM workload.

Workload Sample Period (Days)

The sample period for calculating the average VM workload for the cluster, in days. See Override the default VM workload for a cluster or host.

Database properties (AWS)

These properties are displayed in the General and Details pane for an AWS database instance. Note that some properties may be blank, depending on the database engine.



All Owner Emails

The email address of all owners (primary owner, IT contact, other owner).

All Owner Logins

All owner login IDs (primary owner, IT contact, other owner).

All Owner Names

The real name of all users (primary owner, IT contact, other owner) associated with the username.

Approval State

The approval state of the database. Values are:

  • Approved
  • Unapproved
  • Unknown

Auto Minor Version Upgrade

Indicates whether minor engine upgrades will be applied automatically to the database during the maintenance window (Yes or No).

Automated Backups

Indicates whether or not automated backups are enabled for the database, along with the backup retention period, for example, Enabled (7 days).

Backup Window

The daily time range during which automated backups are created if automated backups are enabled.

Character Set

For supported engines, indicates the Character Set associated with the database.

Custom Attribute

Any custom attribute that can be applied to a service.

Database Name

The user-assigned database name.

Date Created

The date and time when the database was created.

Encryption Enabled

Specifies whether the database is encrypted.


The database's DNS name and port number.


The database type and version.

Estimated Annual Cost

The estimated annual cost of the database based on the assigned cost model.

Estimated Daily Cost

The estimated daily cost of the database based on the assigned cost model.

Expiry Date

The expiry date for the database.

Expiry Extensions Remaining

The number of expiry extensions remaining. If an expiry extension limit was set, the value is the number of extensions remaining. If no extensions remain, the value is 0. If expiry extensions aren't allowed, or no maximum was set, the value is blank. For more information, see Manage Expired Services Through Policies.

Expiry Group

The database's expiry group.

Expiry State

The expiry state of the database. Values can be:

  • Expired
  • Never Expires
  • No Expiry Date Set
  • Not Expired
  • Post Expiry
  • Soon to Expire

Instance Type

The database's instance type, for example, db.t2.micro.


The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) that the database should provision.

IT Contact Email

The email address of the IT contact, if known.

IT Contact Login

The user ID of the IT contact, if known.

IT Contact Name

The full name of the IT contact, if known.

Key ID

The KMS key identifier for an encrypted database.

Latest Restorable Time

The latest time to which a database can be restored with point-in-time restore.

License Model

The license model information for the database.

Maintenance Group

The maintenance group assigned to the service.

Maintenance Window

The weekly time range (in UTC) during which system maintenance can occur.

Monthly Cost

The monthly cost of the database based on the assigned cost model.


Indicates whether the database is a multiple Availability Zone deployment (Yes or No).

Number of Cores

The number of virtual CPU cores used by the database.

Option Group

An option group that this database is associated with.

Organization Name

The name of the organization that the database is assigned to.

Parameter Group

The parameter groups assigned to the database at creation time, along with the status of parameter updates, for example, default.mysql5.6 (in-sync).

Pending Modifications

Indicates whether modifications are pending for the database (Yes or No).

Primary Owner Email

The email address of the primary owner, if known.

Primary Owner Login

The user ID of the primary owner, if known.

Primary Owner Name

The full name of the primary owner, if known.

Publicly Accessible

Indicates whether the database is an Internet-facing instance (Yes or No). If Yes, the database has a publicly resolvable DNS name, which resolves to a public IP address. If No, the database is internal, with a DNS name that resolves to a private IP address.

Read Replica Source

For read replicas, the identifier of the source database.

Read Replicas

One or more identifiers of the Read Replicas associated with this database.

Replication Error

For read replicas, displays errors that occurred during replication, if any.

Replication State

For read replicas, the state of the read replica (for example, replicating, replicated).

Resource ID

If StorageEncrypted is true, the region-unique, immutable identifier for the encrypted database. This identifier is found in AWS CloudTrail log entries whenever the KMS key for the database is accessed.

Secondary Zone

The name of the secondary Availability Zone for a database with multi-availability zone support.

Security Group Names

A comma-separated list of the security groups assigned when the instance was launched. A security group is a collection of firewall rules that restricts the network traffic for the instance.


If the database is part of an AWS stack, provides a hyperlink to the parent stack.


The status of the database (for example, available, running, rebooting, deleting).

Storage (GB)

The amount of storage assigned to the database, in GB.

Storage Type

The storage type associated with the database. Values can be: Magnetic, General Purpose (SSD), or Provisioned IOPS (SSD).

Subnet Group

The subnet group assigned to the database, for example, default-vpc-3b793253.

Tag Compliance Issue

If the database's tag compliance state is Non-compliant, indicates the compliance issue: Incomplete or Unverified.

Tag Compliance State

The tag compliance state for the database: Compliant or Non-compliant.


The username of the account that created the database.

Database properties (Azure)

These properties can be displayed on the Databases tab and the Summary page for an Azure database instance. These properties are available for Azure SQL Databases, Azure Managed Instances, and Azure SQL VMs unless otherwise noted.

Some properties may be blank, depending on the database engine. Also note that predefined custom attributes aren't listed.



All Owner Emails

The email address of all owners (primary owner, IT contact, other owner).

All Owner Logins

All owner login IDs (primary owner, IT contact, other owner).

All Owner Names

The real names of all users (primary owner, IT contact, other owner) associated with the username.

Auto Minor Version Upgrade

Indicates whether minor engine upgrades will be applied automatically to the database during the maintenance window (Yes or No).

Automated Backups

Indicates whether or not automated backups are enabled for the database, along with the backup retention period.

Azure Hybrid Benefit

Whether the Azure Hybrid Benefit is enabled or isn't enabled for the database. If the Azure Hybrid Benefit isn't applicable for the database, no value is shown.

Backup Window

The daily time range during which automated backups are created if automated backups are enabled.

Character Set

For supported engines, indicates the Character Set associated with the database.

Cloud Account Address

The cloud account address.

Cloud Account Name

The cloud account name.

Cloud Account Type

The cloud account type for the database, for example, Azure.

Cloud Type

Whether the cloud type is public or private. For Azure, this will be public.

Database Name

The user-assigned database name.

Azure SQL Databases and Azure Managed Instances only.

Database Type

The type of SQL Server: MS SQL Database, MS SQL Managed Instance, or MS SQL Virtual Machine.


The name of the datacenter in which the database is stored.

Date Created

Date and time when the database was created.

Encryption Enabled

Indicates whether the database is encrypted.

End of Life State

Indicates whether the database is in an End of Life state (Yes or No).


The database's DNS name and port number.

Azure SQL Databases and Azure Managed Instances only.


Database type and possible version.

Engine Version

The database version number, for example 12.0, Developer, Enterprise.

This information is only provided for Azure SQL databases.

Estimated Annual Cost

The estimated annual cost of the database based on the cost model associated with that database.

Estimated Daily Cost

The estimated daily cost of the database based on the cost model associated with that database.

Estimated Monthly Cost

The estimated monthly cost of the database based on the cost model associated with that database.

Expiry Date

The expiry date for the database.

Expiry Extensions Remaining

The number of expiry extensions remaining. If an expiry extension limit was set, the value is the number of extensions remaining. If no extensions remain, the value is 0. If expiry extensions aren't allowed, or no maximum was set, the value is blank. For more information, see Manage Expired Services Through Policies.

Expiry Group

The database's expiry group.

Expiry State

The expiry state of the database. Values can be:

  • Expired
  • Never Expires
  • No Expiry Date Set
  • Not Expired
  • Post Expiry
  • Soon to Expire

Instance Type

The database's instance type, for example, GP_Gen5.


The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) that the database should provision.

Azure SQL VMs only.

IT Contact Email

The email address of the IT contact, if known.

IT Contact Login

The user ID of the IT contact, if known.

IT Contact Name

The full name of the IT contact, if known.

Key ID

The KMS key identifier for an encrypted database.

Azure SQL Databases only.

Latest Restorable Time

The latest time to which a database can be restored with point-in-time restore.

Azure SQL Databases only.

License Model

The license model used for the database.

  • For Azure SQL Databases and Azure Managed Instances, the license type can be: LicenseIncluded, if the database was automatically given a license when deployed; BasePrice, if the database can use an existing license.
  • For Azure SQL VMs, the license type can be PAYG, DR, AHUB.

Log Size Limit

The maximum log size (in MB) for the database.

Azure SQL Databases only.

Maintenance Group

The maintenance group assigned to the service.

Maintenance Window

The weekly time range (in UTC) during which system maintenance can occur.

Managed By

The resource that manages the database.

Azure SQL Databases and Azure SQL VMs only.


Whether the database is a multiple Availability Zone deployment (Yes or No).


The name of the database.

For Azure SQL VMs, the name of the VM is displayed.

Number of Cores

The number of virtual CPU cores used by the database.

Option Group

An option group that the database is associated with.

Organization Name

The name of the organization that the database is assigned to.

Parameter Group

The parameter groups assigned to the database at creation time, along with the status of parameter updates.

Parent Organization Name

The name of the parent organization that the database is assigned to.

Pending Modifications

Indicates whether modifications are pending for the database (Yes or No).

Primary Owner Email

The email address of the primary owner, if known.

Primary Owner Login

The user ID of the primary owner, if known.

Primary Owner Name

The full name of the primary owner, if known.


The assigned port number.

Publicly Accessible

Whether the database is Internet-facing (Yes or No). If Yes, the database has a publicly resolvable DNS name, which resolves to a public IP address. If No, the database is internal, with a DNS name that resolves to a private IP address.

Azure SQL Databases and Azure Managed Instances only.

Read Replicas

One or more identifiers of the Read Replicas associated with this database.


The region where the database is located.

Replication Error

For read replicas, displays errors that occurred during replication, if any.

Replication State

For read replicas, the state of the read replica (for example, replicating, replicated).

Resource Group

The name of the resource group that contains the database.

Resource ID

The database resource ID.


The parent server of an Azure SQL database. For Azure SQL databases, there's a relationship of one server to multiple databases.

Secondary Datacenter

The secondary datacenter used for a paired region configuration.

Security Group Names

A comma-separated list of the security groups assigned when the resource was launched. A security group is a collection of firewall rules that restricts the network traffic for the resource.


Status of the database (for example, available, running, rebooting, deleting).

Storage (GB)

Amount of storage assigned to the database, in GB.

Azure SQL Databases and Azure Managed Instances only.

Storage Type

The storage type associated with the database. Values can be: Magnetic, General Purpose (SSD), or Provisioned IOPS (SSD).

Subnet Group

The subnet group assigned to the database, for example, default-vpc-3b793253.

Azure Managed Instances only.

Suspect State

Indicates whether the database is in a Suspect state (Yes or No).

Tag Compliance Issue

If the database's tag compliance state is Non-compliant, indicates the compliance issue: Incomplete or Unverified.

Tag Compliance State

The tag compliance state for the database: Compliant or Non-compliant.


The administrator username or login of the account that created the database.

Creation Date

The creation date of the database (ISO8601 format).

Virtual Cloud

The VPC, VPC network, or virtual network the database belongs to.

Datacenter, availability zone and zone properties

Availability zones (for AWS) and zones (for Google Cloud Platform) are represented as datacenters in certain views.



Custom Attributes

Any custom attribute created in Configuration > Custom Attributes that can be applied to a datacenter, GCP zone or AWS availability zone.


The name of the datacenter, GCP zone or AWS availability zone.

Number of Datastores

The number of datastores associated with the datacenter.

Number of Hosts

The number of hosts in the datacenter.

Not displayed for public cloud accounts.

Number of VMs

The number of VMs in the datacenter, GCP zone or AWS availability zone.

Datastore cluster properties

These properties are applicable only to vCenter and SCVMM.



Capacity (GB)

The total space available in a datastore cluster.


Indicates whether VMware Distributed Resource Scheduler is balancing VM workloads across hosts in a datastore cluster with a Yes or No.

vCenter only.

Free %

The free space on a datastore cluster as a percentage of the total space.

Free (GB)

The free space on a datastore cluster.


The name of the datastore cluster.

Number of Datastores

The number of datastores in the datastore cluster.

Number of Hosts

The number of hosts associated with a datastore cluster.

Number of VMs

The number of VMs in the datastore cluster.


The storage tier assigned to the datastore.

Used %

The used space on the datastore cluster as a percentage of the total space.

Used (GB)

The used space on a datastore cluster.

Datastore properties




Indicates whether a datastore is accessible with a Yes or No.

Available %

The space on a datastore available for deployment and fulfillment, as a percentage of the total space. Equal to Free % minus Reservation %.

vCenter and SCVMM only

Available (GB)

The space on a datastore available for deployment and fulfillment, in GB. Equal to Free (GB) minus Reservation (GB).

vCenter and SCVMM only.

Available for Placement

Indicates whether a datastore is available for VM placement with a Yes or No.

Capacity (GB)

The total space available in a datastore.

vCenter and SCVMM only

Custom Attribute

Any custom attribute created in Configuration > Custom Attributes that can be applied to a datastore.

Date Added

The date the datastore was added to the virtualized infrastructure.


The device where the datastore is located.


Indicates whether the datastore is encrypted with a Yes or No.

Azure only.

Free %

The total free space on a datastore, as a percentage of the total space. Equal to Available % plus Reservation %.

vCenter and SCVMM only.

Free (GB)

The total free space on a datastore, in GB. Equal to Available (GB) plus Reservation (GB).

vCenter and SCVMM only.


The number of hosts associated with a datastore.

vCenter and SCVMM only.

Included in Capacity

Indicates whether the datastore is included in capacity calculations (Yes or No).

Last Scan

The last date when the datastore was scanned. If the datastore hasn't been scanned, the value isn't Scanned.

For public cloud accounts, datastores are never scanned, so this property indicates the date and time of the last synchronization with the cloud account, when Commander collects updated storage information.


The located of the datastore on disk.

vCenter and SCVMM only.

Maintenance Mode

Indicates whether the datastore is in maintenance mode (Yes or No).


The name of the datastore. For managed storage accounts on Azure, the value is Managed Storage.

Other Files

The number of orphaned or unlinked files (files remaining in the datastore after VMs are deleted from inventory). For GCP, shows the number of disks not attached to any VMs; on the General pane for a GCP datastore, this value is displayed as the Unattached Disks property.


The performance type for an Azure unmanaged storage account. Values can be:

  • Standard
  • Standard / Cool
  • Standard / Hot
  • Premium

Provisioning Level (%)

The used, uncommitted and reserved space on the datastore, as a percentage of total space.

vCenter and SCVMM only.


The replication type for an Azure unmanaged storage account. Values can be:

  • Geo-redundant storage
  • Locally redundant storage
  • Read-access geo-redundant storage
  • Zone-redundant storage

Reservation %

The amount of storage space reserved for deployment (or fulfillment), as a percentage of total space. Storage is reserved when deployment/fulfillment begins, and the reservation is released when complete (or failed).

vCenter and SCVMM only.

Reservation (GB)

The amount of storage space reserved for deployment (or fulfillment). Storage is reserved when deployment/fulfillment begins, and the reservation is released when complete (or failed).

vCenter and SCVMM only.

Resource Group

The resource group for an unmanaged Azure storage account (shown in the Storage view).

Secondary Region

An Azure storage account has a primary region (shown in the tree) and may also have a secondary region. Shown in the Storage view.


The status of an Azure unmanaged storage account, in its primary and (if applicable) secondary region. Values can be:

  • Primary Available
  • Primary Unavailable
  • Primary Unavailable, Secondary Unavailable
  • Primary Available, Secondary Available
  • Primary Unavailable, Secondary Available
  • Primary Available, Secondary Unavailable

Storage Tier

The storage tier assigned to the datastore.

Templates In Inventory

Number of templates in the datastore that are in inventory.

Templates Out of Inventory

Number of templates in the datastore that are out of inventory.

vCenter only.

Total In Inventory

Total number of VMs and templates in the datastore that are in inventory.

Total In/Out of Inventory

Total number of VMs and templates in the datastore.

Total Out of Inventory

Total number of VMs and templates in the datastore that are out of inventory.

vCenter only.


The datastore type. Possible values:

  • vCenter: NFS, VMFS, CIFS, Unknown
  • AWS: Amazon EBS, Amazon S3
  • Azure: Azure Storage, Azure Blob Storage, Azure Managed Storage
  • GCP: Google Cloud Regional Persistent Storage, Google Cloud Zonal Persistent Storage
  • SCVMM: Local, Remote, Cluster Shared Volume, Unknown

Unattached Disks

The number of disks not attached to any VMs.

GCP only.

Uncommitted %

Total additional storage space, as a percentage of the total space, potentially used by all services on this datastore.

vCenter and SCVMM only.

Uncommitted (GB)

Total additional storage space potentially used by all services on this datastore.

vCenter and SCVMM only.

Used %

The used space on the datastore (total of in-inventory VMs and out-of-inventory VMs), as a percentage of the total space.

vCenter, SCVMM only.

Used (GB)

The total space used in the datastore (total of in-inventory VMs and out-of-inventory VMs).

VMs In Inventory

Number of VMs in the datastore that are in inventory.

VMs Out of Inventory

Number of VMs in the datastore that are out of inventory.

vCenter only.

Deployment Resource properties (GCP)

These properties are displayed as columns in the Resources tab for a GCP deployment.



Cost (Annual, Daily, Monthly)

The cost of the resource. Displayed only for supported resource types.


An optional description for the resource.

Error Message

A comma-separated list of all errors and warnings associated with the resource's status.

Last Status Update

The time the resource's status was last updated.

Logical ID

The logical name of the resource specified in the CloudFormation template.


For VMs, displays the deployed name of the resource with the relevant icon. Double-clicking a VM brings you to the resource in the Applications tree.

For unsupported resources, displays the unique identifier that corresponds to a physical instance ID of a resource supported by GCP Deployment Manager.


The current status of the resource. Values can be:

  • Create Complete
  • Create Failed
  • Create in Progress
  • Create Pending
  • Delete Complete
  • Delete Failed
  • Delete in Progress
  • Delete Pending
  • Update Complete
  • Update in Progress
  • Update Pending
  • Update Failed


The resource type. Values can be:

  • VM
  • Virtual Cloud
  • for unsupported resource types, the GCP identifier, such as compute.v1.firewall

Double-clicking a supported resource brings you to its location in the Applications tree.

If a supported resource has been deleted from the deployment, it's still displayed on the Resources tab, but it's no longer possible to double-click to navigate to its location in the tree.

Deployment properties (GCP)

These properties are displayed in the General and Details pane for a GCP deployment.



All Owner Emails

The email address of all owners (primary owner, IT contact, other owner).

All Owner Logins

All owner login IDs (primary owner, IT contact, other owner).

All Owner Names

The real name of all users (primary owner, IT contact, other owner) associated with the username.

Tag Compliance Issue

When the deployment's tag compliance state is Non-compliant, indicates the compliance issue: Incomplete or Unverified.

Tag Compliance State

The tag compliance state for the deployment: Compliant or Non-compliant.

Custom Attribute

Any custom attribute created in Configuration > Custom Attributes that can be applied to a service.

Date Created

The date and time when the deployment was created.


A description for the deployment.


A link to a dialog showing all errors and warnings associated with the deployment status.

Estimated Cost (Annual, Monthly, Daily)

The estimated cost of the deployment, based on the cost of supported deployment resources (controlled by the assigned cost model) plus the value of the Additional Costs property. See Costs for deployment configurations.

Expiry Date

The expiry date for the deployment.

Expiry Extensions Remaining

The number of expiry extensions remaining. If an expiry extension limit was set, the value is the number of extensions remaining. If no extensions remain, the value is 0. If expiry extensions aren't allowed, or no maximum was set, the value is blank. For more information, see Manage Expired Services Through Policies.

Expiry Group

The deployment's expiry group.

Expiry State

The expiry state of the deployment. Values can be:

  • Expired
  • Never Expires
  • No Expiry Date Set
  • Not Expired
  • Post Expiry
  • Soon to Expire

IT Contact Email

The email address of the IT contact, if known.

IT Contact Login

The user ID of the IT contact, if known.

IT Contact Name

The full name of the IT contact, if known.

Last Updated

The time the deployment was last updated.

Maintenance Group

The maintenance group assigned to the deployment.


The name of the deployment that was assigned during provisioning.


The name of the organization that the deployment is assigned to.


The properties output by the deployment, such as the ID of a deployed instance.

Primary Owner Email

The email address of the primary owner, if known.

Primary Owner Login

The user ID of the primary owner, if known.

Primary Owner Name

The full name of the primary owner, if known.


The status of the deployment. Values can be

  • Create Complete
  • Create Failed
  • Create in Progress
  • Create Pending
  • Delete Complete
  • Delete Failed
  • Delete in Progress
  • Delete Pending
  • Update Complete
  • Update in Progress
  • Update Pending
  • Update Failed

Service Request

A link to the service request for this deployment, if any.

Folder properties

These properties are displayed for folders. These properties apply only to vCenter and GCP.



Custom Attributes

Any custom attribute created in Configuration > Custom Attributes that can be applied to a folder.

Number of Datastores

The number of datastores associated with the folder.

vCenter only.

Number of Hosts

The number of hosts in the folder.

vCenter only.

Number of Projects

The number of GCP projects in the folder.

GCP only.

Number of VMs

The number of VMs in the folder.

Host properties

These properties are applicable only to vCenter and SCVMM.



Average Speed (GHz)

The average speed of the host server.

Capacity Change (Average)

Change (from seven days ago) in the number of VMs that can be deployed to this host, calculated using average usage. See Manage Host and Cluster Capacity.

Capacity Change (Peak)

Change (from seven days ago) in the number of VMs that can be deployed to this host, calculated using peak usage. See Manage Host and Cluster Capacity.

Capacity Remaining (Average)

Number of VMs that can be deployed to this host, calculated using average usage. See Manage Host and Cluster Capacity.

Capacity Remaining (Peak)

Number of VMs that can be deployed to this host, calculated using peak usage. See Manage Host and Cluster Capacity.

Cluster Name

The name of the cluster to which the host belongs.

Configured Host Credentials

Indicates whether the host credentials are configured (Yes or No).

Connection State

Indicates whether a host server is connected to the cloud account. State can be Connected, Disconnected, Inaccessible, Invalid, Orphaned, Unknown.

Constraining Resource (Average)

The constraining resource on this host (Memory, CPU or Storage), calculated using average usage.

Constraining Resource (Peak)

The constraining resource on this host (Memory, CPU or Storage), calculated using peak usage.

CPU Workload (GHz)

The CPU required for a typical VM on this host; used in capacity calculations. See Manage Host and Cluster Capacity.

Custom Attribute

Any custom attribute created in Configuration > Custom Attributes that can be applied to a host.

Date Added

The date the host was added to the virtualized infrastructure.

Hyperthreading Active

Indicates whether hyperthreading technology that allows a single physical processor to behave like two logical processors is running.

In Cluster

Indicates whether the host is a member of a cluster (Yes or No).

Maintenance Mode

Standalone hosts and hosts within a cluster support a maintenance mode, which restricts VM operations on the host to allow you to shut down running VMs in preparation for host shutdown.


The manufacturer of the host server.

Memory (GB)

Memory of the host server.

Memory Workload (GB)

The memory required for a typical VM on this host; used in capacity calculations. See Manage Host and Cluster Capacity.


Indicates whether the host machine is licensed and configured for migration. When you search with this property, you can select either Yes or No. This property returns the following values: For vCenter: VMotion is Enabled or VMotion is Disabled. For SCVMM: Live Migration is Enabled or Live Migration is Disabled


The model of the host server.


The name or address of the host.

Number of Cores

The number of CPU cores for the host server.

Number of CPU Sockets

The number of processor packages in a CPU. Each processor package contains one or more CPU cores.

Number of NICs

The number of network interface cards for the host server.

Number of Running VMs

The number of running VMs on the host.

Number of Stopped VMs

The number of stopped VMs on the host.

Number of VMs

The number of VMs on the host.

Processor Type

Manufacturer and type of processors.

Storage Workload (GB)

The storage required for a typical VM on this host; used in capacity calculations. See Manage Host and Cluster Capacity.

vCPUs per Core

The number of virtual CPUs per core.


The version of the host.

VM Workload Overridden

Indicates whether the default setting for VM workload has been overridden for this host, with a Yes or No. This property returns "No" only if Use default VM workload is set for the cluster. This means that even if the VM workload setting matches the default setting, this property returns "Yes". See Override the default VM workload for a cluster or host.

Instance Type properties

These properties are accessed by clicking Details next to the Instance Type property in the General pane for a public cloud VM.



Available for Spot Instance

Indicates whether the instance type is available for spot instance.

Amazon EC2 instances only.

EBS-optimized Available

Indicates whether this instance type can be launched as an EBS-optimized instance. Values can be 'Yes' or '-' (for No). For a list of instance types that can be launched as EBS-optimized instances, see Amazon EBS–Optimized Instances in the Amazon EC2 documentation.

Amazon EC2 instances only.


The number of EC2 Compute Units associated with the instance type.

Amazon EC2 instances only.

Elastic Network Interfaces (ENI)

The maximum number of Elastic Network Interfaces associated with the instance type.

Amazon EC2 and Azure only.


The number of Graphics Processing Units associated with the instance type.

Azure only.

Instance Family

The instance family for the instance type (for example, Standard, High CPU, or High Memory).

Instance Storage (GB)

The instance storage assigned to the instance type, in GB (for example, 10 GB Ephemeral). For Amazon EC2, if the Root Device Type is EBS, the value is displayed as EBS only.

Not displayed for Amazon RDS.

Instance Type

The instance type (for example, t1.micro, m1.medium, or m2.xlarge).

Max Data Disks

The maximum number of data disks allowed for this instance type.

Azure only.

Memory (GiB) or Memory (GB)

The amount of memory associated with the instance type, in GiB or GB.


The friendly name of the instance type, customized in Commander; defaults to the instance type ID if not customized.

Network Performance

A rating of the instance type's network performance. Values can be Very High, High, Moderate, Low, or Very Low.

AWS and Azure only.

PIOPs Optimized

Indicates whether the database's instance type is optimized for Provisioned IOPs storage (Yes or No). Displayed only for databases.

Amazon RDS only.

Private IP Addresses per ENI

The maximum number of private IP addresses per Elastic Network Interface for the instance type.

Amazon EC2 instances only.

Processor Arch

The instance type's processor architecture (for example, 32-bit or 64-bit).

Amazon EC2 instances only.

Storage (GB)

The amount of storage assigned to the instance type.

Azure only.

Supports Premium Storage

Indicates whether this instance type supports premium storage, with a Yes or No.

Azure only


The number of vCPUs assigned to the instance type.

Load Balancer properties (AWS)

These properties are displayed in the General and Details pane for an AWS load balancer.



All Owner Emails

Email address of all owners (primary owner, IT contact, other owner).

All Owner Logins

All owner login IDs (primary owner, IT contact, other owner).

All Owner Names

Real name of all users (primary owner, IT contact, other owner) associated with the username.

Annual Cost

The annual cost of the load balancer based on the assigned cost model.

Custom Attribute

Any custom attribute created in Configuration > Custom Attributes that can be applied to a service

Daily Cost

The daily cost of the load balancer based on the assigned cost model.

Date Created

Date and time when the load balancer was created.

DNS Name

The external DNS name associated with the load balancer.

Expiry Date

Expiry date for the load balancer.

Expiry Extensions Remaining

The number of expiry extensions remaining. If an expiry extension limit was set, the value is the number of extensions remaining. If no extensions remain, the value is 0. If expiry extensions aren't allowed, or no maximum was set, the value is blank. For more information, see Manage Expired Services Through Policies.

Expiry Group

The load balancer's expiry group.

Expiry State

Expiry state of the load balancer. Values can be:

  • Expired
  • Never Expires
  • No Expiry Date Set
  • Not Expired
  • Post Expiry
  • Soon to Expire

Health Check Interval (sec)

The approximate interval, in seconds, between health checks of an individual instance.

Health Check Timeout (sec)

The amount of time, in seconds, during which no response means a failed health probe.

Health Check Target

Protocol and port number used to connect to the instance to perform the health check. Failure to connect within the configured timeout is considered unhealthy.

Healthy Threshold

The number of consecutive health probe successes required before moving the instance to the Healthy state.

Instance Health

For a Classic Load Balancer, this is a count of the healthy, unhealthy, and unknown instances associated with the load balancer. An instance may have an unknown state, for example, if it's unused being provisioned or deleted.

For an Application Load Balancer or a Network Load Balancer, a count of the healthy, unhealthy, and unknown instances associated with the load balancer is provided for the load balancer's target groups.

IT Contact Email

Email address of the IT contact, if known.

IT Contact Login

User ID of the IT contact, if known.

IT Contact Name

Full name of the IT contact, if known.


The listeners configured for this load balancer. A listener is a process that listens for connection requests. It's configured with a protocol and a port number for front-end (client to load balancer) and back-end (load balancer to back-end instance) connections.

If multiple listeners are configured for this load balancer, click the View All link in the load balancer's General pane to view the Listener Details dialog.

Maintenance Group

The maintenance group assigned to the service.

Monthly Cost

The monthly cost of the load balancer based on the assigned cost model.

Organization Name

The name of the organization that the load balancer is assigned to.

Primary Owner Email

Email address of the primary owner, if known.

Primary Owner Login

User ID of the primary owner, if known.

Primary Owner Name

Full name of the primary owner, if known.


For load balancers attached to an Amazon VPC, this indicates whether the load balancer is internal or internet-facing:

  • Internal — A load balancer with a DNS name that resolves to private IP addresses. Note that a Classic Load Balancer in EC2-Classic must be an internet-facing load balancer.
  • Internet-facing — A load balancer with a publicly-resolvable DNS name, which resolves to public IP addresses.

Security Group Names

For load balancers attached to an Amazon VPC, a comma-separated list of the security groups assigned when the instance was launched. A security group is a collection of firewall rules that restricts the network traffic for the instance.


If the load balancer is part of an AWS stack, provides a hyperlink to the parent stack.

Tag Compliance Issue

If the load balancer's tag compliance state is Non-compliant, indicates the compliance issue: Incomplete or Unverified.

Tag Compliance State

The tag compliance state for the load balancer: Compliant or Non-compliant.

Tag Compliance State

The tag compliance state for the load balancer: Compliant or Non-compliant.


The type of load balancer: Classic, Application, or Network.

Unhealthy Threshold

The number of consecutive health probe failures required before moving the instance to the Unhealthy state.

Network properties

These properties are applicable only to vCenter and SCVMM.




Indicates whether the network is accessible (Yes or No).

Doesn't apply to vCenter Distributed Port Group networks.

Available to VMs

Indicates whether the network is available for VM deployments (Yes or No).

Doesn't apply to vCenter Standard Port Group networks.

Deployment Destination

Indicates whether any deployment destinations use this network (Yes or No).

Distributed Switch

The distributed switch assigned to the network.

Applies only to vCenter Distributed Port Group networks.

External Fenced Network

Indicates whether the network is used by a fence for external access (Yes or No).

vCenter only.

Internal Fenced Network

Indicates whether the network is used by fenced VMs for communication within the fence (Yes or No).

vCenter only.

IP Pool

The IP pool this network is assigned to, if any.

vCenter only.


The name of the network.

Network Zone

An optional tag for a network to indicate its purpose.

Number of Hosts

The number of hosts in this network.

Number of Ports

The number of ports assigned to this network.

Applies only to vCenter Distributed Port Group networks.

Number of VMs

The number of VMs in this network.

vCenter only


The network type. For vCenter, can be Standard Port Group or Distributed Port Group. For SCVMM, can be VM Network.


The network's VLAN ID.

Applies only to vCenter Distributed Port Group networks.

Organization properties (GCP)

These properties are displayed for GCP organizations.



Custom Attribute

Any custom attribute that can be applied to organizations (that is, a custom attribute available to All Types).

Number of Projects

The number of projects in the organization.

Number of VMs

The number of VMs in the organization.

Project properties (GCP)

These properties are displayed for GCP projects.



Billing Account

The name of the associated billing account, if the GCP service account used to add the cloud account has permission to retrieve billing account information.

Billing Enabled

Indicates whether the Cloud Billing API is enabled for this project, with a Yes or No.

Billing Retrieval Configured

Indicates whether billing data retrieval has been configured for this project, with a Yes or No.

Custom Attribute

Any custom attribute created in Configuration > Custom Attributes that can be applied to a GCP organization.

Number of VMs

The number of VMs in the project.

Project ID

The ID of the project (for example, dev-project-001-216815).

Project Number

A unique numerical identifier for the project.

Region properties

These properties apply only to public cloud accounts.



Custom Attribute

Any custom attribute that can be applied to a region.

Instance Limit

The maximum number of instances that can be deployed in the region.

AWS and Azure only.

EC2-Classic Supported

Indicates whether EC2-Classic mode is supported in the region.

AWS only.

EC2-VPC Supported

Indicates whether VPCs are supported in the region.

AWS only.

Number of Datastores

The number of datastores in the region.

Number of Resource Groups

The number of resource groups in the region.

Azure only.

Number of Storage Accounts

The number of storage accounts in the region.

Azure only.

Number of Templates in Inventory

The number of templates in inventory. Displayed in the Storage view.

Number of VMs

The number of instances deployed in the region. Displayed in the Infrastructure and Applications views.

Number of VMs in Inventory

The number of VMs in inventory. Displayed in the Storage view.

Number of Zones

The number of GCP zones in this region.

GCP only.

Resource Group properties (Azure)



Number of Storage Accounts

The number of storage accounts in the resource group.

Number of VMs

The number of VMs in the resource group.


The region where this resource group was created. Displayed in the Applications view, not the Infrastructure view.

Resource Group Resource properties (Azure)

These properties are displayed as columns in the Resources tab for a resource group in Azure.



Cost (Annual, Daily, Monthly)

The cost of the resource. Displayed only for supported resource types.

Logical ID

The logical name of the resource specified in the ARM template.


For Commander supported resources (VM, Datastore or Virtual Cloud), displays the deployed name of the resource, with the relevant icon. Double-clicking a supported resource brings you to the resource in the Infrastructure tree.

For unsupported resources, displays the Azure unique identifier that corresponds to a physical instance ID of a resource supported by Azure.


The resource type. If the resource is supported by Commander, the Type column displays one of the following "friendly" values:

  • Datastore
  • VM
  • Virtual Cloud

Double-clicking a supported resource brings you to its location in the Infrastructure tree.

If a supported resource has been deleted from the resource group, it's still displayed on the Resources tab, but it's no longer possible to double-click to navigate to its location in the tree.

Stack properties (AWS)

These properties are displayed in the General and Details pane for an AWS stack.



All Owner Emails

Email address of all owners (primary owner, IT contact, other owner).

All Owner Logins

All owner login IDs (primary owner, IT contact, other owner).

All Owner Names

Real name of all users (primary owner, IT contact, other owner) associated with the username.

Tag Compliance Issue

When the stack's tag compliance state is Non-compliant, indicates the compliance issue: Incomplete or Unverified.

Tag Compliance State

The tag compliance state for the stack: Compliant or Non-compliant.

Custom Attribute

Any custom attribute created in Configuration > Custom Attributes that can be applied to a service.

Date Created

Date and time when the stack was created.


A description for the stack.

Estimated Cost (Annual, Daily, Monthly)

The estimated annual cost of the stack, based on the cost of supported stack resources (controlled by the assigned cost model) plus the value of the Additional Costs property. See Manage AWS CloudFormation Templates and Stacks.

Expiry Date

Expiry date for the stack.

Expiry Extensions Remaining

The number of expiry extensions remaining. If an expiry extension limit was set, the value is the number of extensions remaining. If no extensions remain, the value is 0. If expiry extensions aren't allowed, or no maximum was set, the value is blank. For more information, see Manage Expired Services Through Policies.

Expiry Group

The stack's expiry group.

Expiry State

Expiry state of the stack. Values can be:

  • Expired
  • Never Expires
  • No Expiry Date Set
  • Not Expired
  • Post Expiry
  • Soon to Expire

IT Contact Email

Email address of the IT contact, if known.

IT Contact Login

User ID of the IT contact, if known.

IT Contact Name

Full name of the IT contact, if known.

Last Updated

The time the stack was last updated.

Maintenance Group

The maintenance group assigned to the service.


The user-assigned stack name.

Organization Name

The name of the organization that the stack is assigned to.


The properties output by the stack, such as the ID of a deployed instance or the public IP/DNS name of a load balancer.

Primary Owner Email

Email address of the primary owner, if known.

Primary Owner Login

User ID of the primary owner, if known.

Primary Owner Name

Full name of the primary owner, if known.


Status of the stack. Values can be:

  • Create in Progress
  • Create Failed
  • Create Complete
  • Rollback in Progress
  • Rollback Failed
  • Rollback Complete
  • Delete in Progress
  • Delete Failed
  • Delete Complete
  • Update in Progress
  • Update Complete Cleanup in Progress
  • Update Complete
  • Update Rollback in Progress
  • Update Rollback Failed
  • Update Rollback Complete Cleanup in Progress
  • Update Rollback Complete

Service Request

A link to the service request for this stack, if any.

Stack Resource properties (AWS)

These properties are displayed as columns in the Resources tab for an AWS stack.



Cost (Annual, Daily, Monthly)

The cost of the resource. Displayed only for supported resource types.


User-provided description for the resource.

Error Message

The success or failure message associated with the resource.

Last Status Update

The time the resource's status was last updated.

Logical ID

The logical name of the resource specified in the CloudFormation template.


For Commander supported resources (VM, Load Balancer, Database or VPC), displays the deployed name of the resource, with the relevant icon. Double-clicking a supported resource brings you to the resource in the Infrastructure tree.

For unsupported resources, displays the AWS unique identifier that corresponds to a physical instance ID of a resource supported by AWS CloudFormation.


Current status of the resource. Values can be:

  • Create in Progress
  • Create Failed
  • Create Complete
  • Delete in Progress
  • Delete Failed
  • Delete Complete
  • Delete Skipped
  • Update in Progress
  • Update Failed
  • Update Complete


The resource type. If the resource is supported by Commander, the Type column displays one of the following "friendly" values:

  • VM
  • Load Balancer
  • Database
  • VPC

Double-clicking a supported resource brings you to its location in the Infrastructure tree.

If a supported resource has been deleted from the stack, it's still displayed on the Resources tab, but it's no longer possible to double-click to navigate to its location in the tree.

Subnet properties

Subnet properties are applicable only to public cloud accounts.



Available IPs

The number of available IP addresses in this subnet.

AWS and Azure only.

CIDR Block

The set of IP addresses for the virtual network, in the form of a CIDR block.


Indicates whether this is the default subnet.

AWS only.

Deployment Destination

Indicates whether any deployment destinations use this subnet.

Map Public IP on Launch

Indicates whether instances launched into the this subnet should be assigned a public IP address.

If set to true, the instance receives a public IP address only if it's launched with a single, new network interface with the device index of 0.

AWS only.


The name of the subnet. For GCP auto-generated subnets, the name is concatenated with the region name to be distinguishable (for example, default - us-east1).

Network Zone

An optional tag for a subnet to indicate its purpose.


The state of the subnet. For AWS, the state can be Pending or Available. For Azure, the state can be Pending or Succeeded.

AWS and Azure only.

Virtual Cloud

The VPC, VPC network, or virtual network the subnet belongs to.

Terraform account properties

These properties are available on the Manage Accounts page in the Terraform view.




The name of the Terraform account.

Last Updated

The UTC date and time that the Terraform account was last updated successfully.


The current status of the Terraform account.

Available values are:

  • Ready: Indicates that state files were successfully retrieved.
  • Initializing: Indicates that the state files are being retrieved for the account.
  • Error: Indicates that the state files were not successfully retrieved for the account.


The type of Terraform account, which represents the backend where the current state is stored.

Available values are:

  • Cloud: State is stored in Terraform Cloud.
  • OSS AWS: State is stored in a bucket in Amazon S3.
  • OSS Azure: State is stored in a Blob container in Azure Blob storage.


The unique identifier for the Terraform account.

Terraform backend properties

These properties are available on the Backends tab in the Terraform view. You can select a backend to see it's details on the Summary tab.




The name of the Terraform account that the backend belongs to.


The Terraform backend.

  • Cloud: The backend represents a Terraform workspace.
  • OSS AWS and OSS Azure: The backend represents the file path for the state file, including the name of the state file and the workspace environment.


The name of the S3 bucket where the state files are stored.

Applies only to AWS backends.


The name of the container where the state files are stored.

Applies only to Azure backends.

File Path

The file path and filename for the state file.

Applies only to AWS and Azure backends.


The name of the AWS region that contains the S3 bucket.

Applies only to AWS backends.


The serial number for the current backend state, which increases monotonically for every version of the current state.

Terraform Version

The Terraform version used to create the current state.


The version of the current state.


The unique ID assigned to a state when it is created.


The unique identifier for the Terraform account that the backend belongs to.

Virtual Network properties

These properties are applicable only to public cloud accounts. EC2 Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs), GCP VPC networks, and Azure Virtual Networks are represented as virtual networks in Commander.



Address Space

The set of IP addresses for the virtual network, in the form of a Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) block. If multiple address spaces are assigned, access to the full list is provided.

Azure only.

CIDR Block

The set of IP addresses for the virtual network, in the form of a CIDR block.

AWS only.

Custom Attribute

Any custom attribute created in Configuration > Custom Attributes that can be applied to a virtual network.


Indicates whether this is a default virtual network (Yes or No).

AWS only.


The description for the virtual network.

GCP only.

DNS Server

The DNS server for the virtual network.

Azure only.

Instance Tenancy

Indicates the instance tenancy setting for the virtual network. Value can be: dedicated, default.

If the value is dedicated, all instances launched into the virtual network are Dedicated Instances, regardless of the value of the tenancy attribute for the instance.

If the value is default, instances launched into the virtual network is a Dedicated Instance if the tenancy attribute for the instance is dedicated.

AWS only.

Number of Subnets

The number of subnets in the virtual network.

Number of VMs

The number of VMs currently deployed in the virtual network. For GCP, the number of VMs whose primary NIC is in this VPC network.


A comma-separated list of VPC network peerings configured for this VPC network.

GCP only.


The virtual network's region. Displayed in the Applications view.

Azure only.

Resource Group

The virtual network's resource group. Click the linked resource group name to navigate to the resource group in the tree.

Azure only.


If the VPC is part of an AWS stack, provides a hyperlink to the parent stack.

AWS only.


The state of the virtual network. Values can be: pending, available.

AWS and Azure only.

Virtual service properties

These properties are applicable only to vCenter. In Commander, vCenter vApps are represented as virtual services.



All Owner Emails

Email address of all owners (primary owner, IT contact, other owner).

All Owner Logins

All owner login IDs (primary owner, IT contact, other owner).

All Owner Names

Real name of all users (primary owner, IT contact, other owner) associated with the username.

Annual Cost

The annual cost of the virtual service based on the assigned cost model.

Catalog Count

Number of instances of this virtual service in the Service Catalog.

Created By

User account used to create the virtual service.

Custom Attribute

Any custom attribute created in Configuration > Custom Attributes that can be applied to a virtual service.

Daily Cost

The daily cost of the virtual service based on the assigned cost model.


Name of the datacenter in which the virtual service is stored.

Date Created

Date the virtual service was created.

DNS Name

The virtual service's globally unique DNS name.

Expiry Date

Expiry date for the virtual service.

Expiry Extensions Remaining

The number of expiry extensions remaining. If an expiry extension limit was set, the value is the number of extensions remaining. If no extensions remain, the value is 0. If expiry extensions aren't allowed, or no maximum was set, the value is blank. For more information, see Manage Expired Services Through Policies.

Expiry Group

The virtual service's expiry group.

Expiry State

Expiry state of the virtual service. Values can be:

  • Expired
  • Never Expires
  • No Expiry Date Set
  • Not Expired
  • Post Expiry
  • Soon to Expire

IP Address

Public IP address for the virtual service. A value is displayed only when the virtual service is running.

IT Contact Email

Email address of the IT contact, if known.

IT Contact Login

User ID of the IT contact, if known.

IT Contact Name

Full name of the IT contact, if known.

In Service Catalog

Indicates whether this virtual service appears in the Service Catalog, and its visibility level.

Maintenance Group

The maintenance group assigned to the service.

Monthly Cost

The monthly cost of the virtual service based on the assigned cost model.


Deployed name of the virtual service.

Number of VMs

Number of VMs in the virtual service.

Power State

Power state of the virtual service. Possible states are:

  • Creating (used to ensure that virtual services don't become visible to users before they are fully deployed)
  • Failed (use the Status property to search for specific failures; see also Manage Service Power States)
  • Not running
  • Running
  • Saved (for VMs in SCVMM cloud accounts)
  • Starting (the Start VM command is in progress)
  • Stopping (the Stop VM command is in progress)
  • Suspended (all activity on the VM is paused and no transactions are allowed until it's placed in a running state again)
  • Suspending (the Suspend command is in progress)
  • Unknown

See also Manage Service Power States.

Primary Owner Email

Email address of the primary owner, if known.

Primary Owner Login

User ID of the primary owner, if known.

Primary Owner Name

Full name of the primary owner, if known.


Value of the VMware product configuration element.

Product URL

Value of the productURL configuration element.


VMware vendor name, from VMware configuration.


VMware version of the vApp.

VM, Instance, Template, and Image properties




Indicates how a VM was created:

  • Created: a newly created VM
  • Copied: a VM cloned from another VM
  • Deployed: a VM deployed from a template

Actual Costs

Accurate historical costs based on historical billing data.

All Owner Emails

Email address of all owners (primary owner, IT contact, other owner).

All Owner Logins

All owner login IDs (primary owner, IT contact, other owner).

All Owner Names

Real name of all users (primary owner, IT contact, other owner) associated with the username.

Approval State

Approval state of the VM. Values are:

  • Approved
  • Unapproved
  • Unknown


Indicates whether the instance is 32-bit or 64-bit. Values are:

  • i386
  • x86_64

AWS instances and AMIs only.

Availability Set

The VM's availability set. Microsoft Azure availability sets ensure both fault tolerance and service availability.

Azure only.

Avg CPU Ready (%)

The average percentage of time that the VM was ready, but could not be scheduled to run on the physical CPU. CPU ready time is dependent on the number of VMs on the host and their CPU loads.

Avg CPU Usage (%)

The average amount of actively used virtual CPU, as a percentage of total available CPU based on the host's view of the CPU usage, not the view of the guest operating system.

Avg CPU Usage (MHz)

The amount of actively used virtual CPU, in megahertz, based on the host's view of the CPU usage, not the view of the guest operating system.

Avg Disk IOPS

The average value for the sum of the following Azure metrics:  Disk Read Bytes/hr, Disk Read Operations/hr, Disk Write Bytes/hr and Disk Write Operations/hr.

Azure only.

Avg Disk Usage (MB/s)

Average disk I/O rate.

Avg Memory Ballooning (MB)

The average amount of guest physical memory that's currently reclaimed from the VM through ballooning.

Avg Memory Consumed (MB)

The average amount of guest physical memory consumed by the VM for guest memory which includes shared memory and memory that might be reserved, but not actually used. It doesn't include overhead memory.

Avg Memory Overhead (MB)

The amount of additional machine memory allocated to a VM for overhead. The overhead amount is beyond the reserved amount.

Avg Memory Swap In (MB/s)

The amount of memory that has been swapped in to memory from disk.

Avg Memory Swap Out (MB/s)

The rate at which memory is being swapped from active memory to disk during the current interval.

Avg Memory Usage (%)

The average memory usage as a percentage of total configured or available memory.

Avg Network Usage (MB/s)

The average of the sum of data transmitted and received across all virtual NIC instances connected to the VM.

Azure Hybrid Benefit

Indicates whether the VM is using the Azure Hybrid Benefit license model.

Azure only.

Cloud Type

The VM's cloud type (private or public).


The cluster to which the VM belongs.

Tag Compliance Issue

If the VM's tag compliance state is Non-compliant, indicates the compliance issue: Incomplete or Unverified

Tag Compliance State

The tag compliance state for the VM: Compliant or Non-compliant

Connected Media

Indicates whether a VM has connected media device such as a CD/DVD connected to the client or host or a datastore ISO file.

Connection State

Indicates whether a VM is connected to the cloud account.

States that appear are Connected, Disconnected, Inaccessible, Invalid, Orphaned, Unknown.

Cost Center

A predefined custom attribute for a VM's cost center.

CPU Count

Number of CPU processors for the VM. This number can't exceed the number of logical CPU processors on the host server. Appears only if Virtual SMP is supported for the current host and guest operating system or if the VM is configured for Virtual SMP.

CPU Limit (GHz)

Maximum CPU allocation for this VM.

CPU Shares

CPU shares for a VM with respect to the parent’s total. Sibling VMs share resources according to their relative share values bounded by the reservation and limit.

CPU Shares Level

Actual value based on resource and object settings.

Created By

The username used to create the VM.

Custom Attribute

Any custom attribute created in Configuration > Custom Attributes that can be applied to a VM.

Customizable OS

vCenter and Azure templates only.

For vCenter, indicates whether the guest operating system for the template is customizable (Yes or No).

For Azure, due to a Microsoft limitation, the value is always Yes, whether the template is prepared (doesn't include authentication information) or specialized (includes authentication information). Therefore, Commander enables users to provide credentials during deployment of prepared images.


The datacenter to which the VM belongs.

For AWS, this is the availability zone; for GCP, this is the zone.

Date Created

The date the VM was created.

Deletion Protection

Indicates whether Deletion Protection is configured for this VM. The value can be Enabled or Disabled.

GCP only.


The description for the template (AMI or image).

Public cloud only.

Disk Provisioning Type

The overall storage format for the entire VM. Can be one of the following:

  • Thick: The default virtual disk format. The thick virtual disk doesn't change its size, and from the very beginning occupies the entire datastore space provisioned to it.
  • Thin: The virtual disk starts small and only uses as much storage space as it needs.
  • SEsparse: Disk space is allocated as it's used by the guest OS. Supports over-allocation of storage resources. Block size is configurable and space may be reclaimed.

Prior to release 6.0.2, this property was known as Disk Storage Type.

Private cloud only. For public cloud VMs, the value is "Unknown".

Disk Type

The type of storage configured for each of the VM's disks. A comma-separated list of the unique disk types for all of the VM's disks. Possible values:

  • Thick: The default virtual disk format. The thick virtual disk doesn't change its size, and from the very beginning occupies the entire datastore space provisioned to it.
  • Thin: The virtual disk starts small and only uses as much storage space as it needs.

vCenter disk types

  • RDM: The virtual disk backing uses a Raw Device Mapping to back the virtual disk.
  • SEsparse: Disk space is allocated as it's used by the guest OS. Supports over-allocation of storage resources. Block size is configurable and space may be reclaimed.

AWS disk types

  • General Purpose (SSD): General purpose Solid-State Drive volume that balances price and performance for a wide variety of transactional workloads. Recommended for system boot volumes, virtual desktops, low-latency interactive apps, development and test environments.
  • Provisioned IOPS (SSD): Highest-performance SSD volume designed for mission-critical applications. Best for critical business applications that require sustained IOPS performance, or more than 10,000 IOPS or 160 MiB/s of throughput per volume, such as large database workloads and EBS-optimized instances. The ratio of IOPS provisioned and the volume size requested can be a maximum of 50.
  • Magnetic: Previous-generation Hard Disk Drive volumes for workloads where data is infrequently accessed. Not recommended for new applications.
  • Throughput Optimized (HDD): Low-cost Hard Disk Drive volume designed for frequently accessed, throughput-intensive workloads. Best for streaming workloads requiring consistent, fast throughput at a low price, such as big data, data warehouses, and log processing. The minimum disk size for this type is 500 GB. It can't be a boot volume.
  • Cold (HDD): Lowest-cost Hard Disk Drive volume designed for less frequently accessed workloads. Best for throughput-oriented storage for large amounts of data that's infrequently accessed. The minimum disk size for this type is 500 GB. It can't be a boot volume.

GCP disk types

  • Standard Persistent Disk: Efficient and reliable block storage. Persistent disks are located independently from your virtual machine instances, so you can detach or move persistent disks to keep your data even after you delete your instances.
  • SSD Persistent Disk: Fast and reliable block storage. Persistent disks are located independently from your virtual machine instances, so you can detach or move persistent disks to keep your data even after you delete your instances.
  • Local SSD: High-performance local block storage. Local SSDs have higher throughput and lower latency than standard persistent disks or SSD persistent disks. The data that you store on a local SSD persists only until the instance is stopped or deleted.

DNS Name

The DNS entry for the VM.

For public cloud VMs, this is the public DNS entry. See also Private DNS Name.

Use the public DNS name for communication between your instances and the Internet. Use the private DNS name for communication between the instances in your virtual network. Because using public networking has a cost, using the private DNS name when possible can lower cost.

End of Life State

Indicates whether the VM is in an End of Life state (Yes or No).

Endpoint Names

When used in a search, this property returns a comma-separated list of all endpoint names configured for the VM (for example, PowerShell, Remote Desktop).

In the VM's General pane, click the Endpoints hyperlink next to the IP Address property to display the Endpoint Details dialog, which list all endpoints configured for the VM.

Estimated Cost

The cost of the VM based on the assigned cost model. Can be Daily, Monthly, or Annual.

Expiry Date

The date set for the VM to expire.

Expiry Extensions Remaining

The number of expiry extensions remaining. If an expiry extension limit was set, the value is the number of extensions remaining. If no extensions remain, the value is 0. If expiry extensions aren't allowed, or no maximum was set, the value is blank. For more information, see Manage Expired Services Through Policies.

Expiry Group

The VM's expiry group.

Expiry State

The expiry state of the VM. Values are:

  • Expired
  • Never expires
  • No expiry date set
  • Not expired
  • Post expired
  • Soon to expire

Fence Name

The name of the fenced network, if the VM belongs to a fenced network.


Whether the VM is in a fenced network.

File Location

The datastore information indicating where the VM file is located.

For AWS, this property has a value only for AWS AMIs. Not displayed for Azure or GCP.

Free Disk Space (%)

The amount of free disk space as a percentage.

For public cloud VMs, a value of Unknown is always displayed.

  • For vCenter VMs, the property value is obtained from VMware Tools, if installed, for Windows, Linux, and FreeBSD VMs.
  • VMware Tools values for this property may be inaccurate for Linux VMs with an XFS partition.

Free Disk Space (GB)

The free disk space available in a VM.

For public cloud VMs, a value of Unknown is always displayed.

  • For vCenter VMs, the property value is obtained from VMware Tools, if installed, for Windows, Linux, and FreeBSD VMs.
  • VMware Tools values for this property may be inaccurate for Linux VMs with an XFS partition.

Guest OS

The guest operating system of the VM.

Guest OS Family

The family to which the guest operating system belongs: Linux, Novell, Other, Solaris, Windows.

Hardware Version

The VMware hardware version. Displayed as Unknown for other platforms.

Has Recommendations

Indicates whether there are active recommendations for this VM (Yes or No).

vCenter only.

Health Description

A description of any issues that the AWS Load Balancer has identified for this instance. Displayed only on the Virtual Machines tab for instances associated with a load balancer, when a load balancer is selected in the Infrastructure tree. If the instance is associated with multiple load balancers, this property displays information relevant to the selected load balancer.

Health Reason Code

Provides information about the cause of OutOfService instances (see the Health State). Specifically, it indicates whether the cause is Elastic Load Balancing or the instance behind the load balancer. Displayed only on the Virtual Machines tab for instances associated with a load balancer, when a load balancer is selected in the Infrastructure tree. If the instance is associated with multiple load balancers, this property displays information relevant to the selected load balancer. Values can be: ELB, Instance, N/A.

AWS only.

Health State

Indicates the state of an Amazon EC2 instance associated with an AWS load balancer. Displayed only on the Virtual Machines tab for instances associated with a load balancer, when a load balancer is selected in the Infrastructure tree. If the instance is associated with multiple load balancers, this property displays information relevant to the selected load balancer. Values can be: OutOfService, InService.

AWS only.

Highly Available

Indicates whether the VM is configured as highly available (Yes or No).

SCVMM only.


The host where the VM resides.

vCenter and SCVMM only.

IAM Role

The IAM role assigned to the VM at deployment time. AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles provide the ability to delegate access to resources. Note that this property shows the name, not the full ARN (Amazon Resource Name).

AWS only.

Image ID

The AMI ID of the instance.

AWS only.

Image Source

Indicates where the image is located.

An image source won't be displayed if the instance wasn't deployed from a template.

AWS only.

In Inventory

VMs and templates that are in inventory are those tracked by the cloud account. If they are in inventory, the value is Yes. A VM on a datastore that's not in the cloud account (Out of Inventory) has a value of No.

Instance Type

The VM's instance type.

If you have configured friendly names for instance types, these names are displayed instead.

Public cloud only. For GCP, this is the Machine Type. Can be "custom" for a custom machine type.

IP Address

The VM's IP address.

Use the Details link to display all of the VM's NICs.

For public cloud, the instance's public IP address, or the first available public IP address from the instance's NICs. See also the Private IP Address property.

IT Contact Email

Allows a search by character string for IT contact email addresses.

IT Contact Login

Allows a search by character string for all IT contact login IDs.

IT Contact Name

Allows a search by character string for the real name of IT contacts associated with the username.

Kernel ID

The operating system kernel associated with the AMI.

AWS only.

Key Pair Name

The name of the key pair installed on the instance when it was launched. For Windows instances, the key pair is used to obtain the administrator password. For Linux instances, which have no password, the key pair is used to log in to them.

AWS only.

Last Datastore Scan

The last time the datastore was scanned.

Last Deployed

The date when either the source VM was used to create a clone or the source template was used to deploy a VM.

Last In Inventory

The date indicating the last time the VM was in inventory.

Last Performance Update

The latest date when the VM's performance was updated.

Linked Children Count

The number of linked clones created from this VM in Commander. Note that linked clones created outside of Commander aren't included in this count.

Linked Clone

Indicates whether the VM was provisioned as a linked clone in Commander. Note that linked clones created outside of Commander aren't tracked.

A value of Linked by Commander indicates a linked clone created in Commander. A value of Not Linked indicates a VM created in Commander as a standalone VM. A blank value means that the status is unknown.

Logical Disk Size (GB)

Free disk space plus the disk space used by the guest operating system.

For public cloud VMs, a value of Unknown is always displayed.

  • For vCenter VMs, the property value is obtained from VMware Tools, if installed, for Windows, Linux, and FreeBSD VMs.
  • VMware Tools values for this property may be inaccurate for Linux VMs with an XFS partition.

MAC Address

The unique address assigned to a virtual network adapter.

Maintenance Group

The maintenance group assigned to the service.

Cloud Account Type

The cloud account type for the VM. Values can be:

  • Amazon Web Services
  • Microsoft SCVMM
  • VMware Virtual Center

Max Latency (ms) Daily Avg

Daily average, daily peak, weekly average, and weekly peak measures of the maximum latency value across all disks used by the host. Maximum Latency monitors the highest latency value for any operation executed by the virtual machine. Latency measures the time taken to process a SCSI command issued by the guest OS to the virtual machine.

Max Latency (ms) Daily Peak

Max Latency (ms) Weekly Avg

Max Latency (ms) Weekly Peak

Memory (GB)

Memory for the VM.

Memory Limit (GB)

Maximum amount of the host's memory that the VM can use.

Memory Shares

A relative metric for allocating CPU or memory capacity (Low, Normal, High and Custom) compared to the sum of all shares of all virtual machines on the server and, if applicable, the server console.

Memory Shares Level

Actual value based on resource and object settings.


The name of the VM usually assigned when it's newly created or cloned.


The network for the VM.

  • For vCenter, displays the network name.
  • For Amazon EC2, displays the VPC name if the VM is in a VPC; otherwise, the value is blank.
  • For Microsoft Azure, displays the subnet name.
  • For GCP, displays the network for the VM's first NIC.
  • For SCVMM, this value isn't displayed.

NIC Count

The number of Ethernet adapters for the VM.

Number of Cores

The number of virtual cores used by the VM or instance.

AWS, Azure, and vCenter.

Oldest Snapshot Name

The name of the oldest snapshot for the VM.

On Disk

Indicates whether the files for the VM are on the datastore.

A value of unknown means that the datastore hasn't been scanned.

Organization Name

The name of the organization that the VM is assigned to.

Out of Inventory

VMs and templates that aren't in inventory (those that are still on disk but aren't tracked by the cloud account).

vCenter only.

Peak CPU Ready (%)

The highest value of time as a percentage that the VM was ready, but could not be scheduled to run on the physical CPU. CPU ready time is dependent on the number of VMs on the host and their CPU loads.

Peak CPU Usage (%)

The highest amount of actively used virtual CPU as a percentage of the total available CPU based on the host's view of the CPU usage, not the view of the guest operating system.

Peak CPU Usage (MHz)

The highest amount of actively used virtual CPU, in megahertz, based on the host's view of the CPU usage, not the view of the guest operating system.

Peak Disk IOPS

The highest value for the sum of the following Azure metrics: Disk Read Bytes/hr, Disk Read Operations/hr, Disk Write Bytes/hr and Disk Write Operations/hr.

Azure only.

Peak Disk Usage (MB/s)

The highest disk I/O rate.

Peak Memory Ballooning (MB)

The highest amount of guest physical memory that's currently reclaimed from the VM through ballooning.

Peak Memory Consumed (MB)

The highest amount of guest physical memory consumed by the VM for guest memory which includes shared memory and memory that might be reserved, but not actually used. It doesn't include overhead memory.

Peak Memory Overhead (MB)

The highest amount of additional machine memory allocated to a VM for overhead. The overhead amount is beyond the reserved amount.

Peak Memory Swap In (MB/s)

The highest amount of memory that has been swapped in to memory from disk.

Peak Memory Swap Out (MB/s)

The highest rate at which memory is being swapped from active memory to disk during the current interval.

Peak Memory Usage (%)

The highest memory usage as a percentage of total configured or available memory.

Peak Memory Usage (%)

The highest memory usage as a percentage of total configured or available memory.

Peak Network Usage (MB/s)

The highest amount of data transmitted and received across all virtual NIC instances connected to the VM.

Physical Disk Size (GB)

Contains unpartitioned disk space, space used by the OS, and free disk space.

  • For vCenter VMs, the property value is obtained from VMware Tools, if installed, for Windows, Linux, and FreeBSD VMs.
  • VMware Tools values for this property may be inaccurate for Linux VMs with an XFS partition.

This property represents the storage value used in the Requested Storage Sizes cost calculation.

Power Schedule Group

The power schedule group that the VM belongs to. Used to automatically power the VM on and off.

Power State

The following power states are displayed in Commander, depending on the cloud platform:

  • Creating (for VMs that are in SCVMM cloud accounts and are in the process of being deployed; used to ensure that VMs don't become visible to users before they are fully deployed)
  • Failed (use the Status property to search for specific failures; see also Manage Service Power States)
  • Not running
  • Running
  • Saved (for VMs in SCVMM cloud accounts)
  • Starting (the Start VM command is in progress)
  • Stopping (the Stop VM command is in progress)
  • Suspended (all activity on the VM is paused and no transactions are allowed until it's placed in a running state again)
  • Suspending (the Suspend command is in progress)
  • Unknown

See also Manage Service Power States.

Powered Off Since

The date when the VM was last powered off.

Primary Owner Email

Allows a search by character string for primary owner email addresses.

Primary Owner Login

Allows a search by character string for primary owner login IDs.

Primary Owner Name

Allows a search by character string for the real name of primary contacts associated with the username.

Private DNS Name

The private DNS name. See also DNS Name.

Use the private DNS name for communication between the instances in your virtual network. Use the public DNS name for communication between your instances and the Internet. Because using public networking has a cost, using the private DNS name when possible can lower cost.

Private IP Address

The private IP address. See also IP Address.

Use private IP addresses for communication between the instances in your virtual network. Use public IP addresses for communication between your instances and the Internet. Because using public networking has a cost, using the private IP address when possible can lower cost.

Use the Details link to display all of the VM's NICs.

This property is only displayed for public cloud accounts.


The GCP project that this instance is associated with.

GCP only.

Provisioned Storage (GB)

The provisioned size of all disks, plus swap memory, memory overhead, log files, CTK files and other files, minus any reserved memory. The difference between Provisioned Storage and Used Storage (GB) is significant for thin-provisioned disks.

Because additional files are created for snapshots, the number of snapshots affects this value.

This property represents the storage value used in the Provisioned Storage Sizes cost calculation.


The RAM disk associated with the AMI/image.

AWS only.

Recommendation Annual Cost Savings

The total annual additional savings that will result if all active recommendations are applied to this VM. If the VM will cost less, the number is positive; if the VM will cost more, the number is negative.

Recommendations Instance Type Down

Indicates whether a recommendation to apply a smaller instance type has been made for this VM.

Public cloud only.

Recommendations Instance Type Up

Indicates whether a recommendation to apply a larger instance type has been made for this VM.

Public cloud only.

Recommended CPU Change

The number of CPUs that Commander recommends adding or removing. For a CPU upsize, the number is positive; for a CPU downsize, the number is negative.

Recommended Instance Type

If a recommendation to increase or decrease this VM's instance type has been made, this property provides the instance type recommended for the VM.

Public cloud only.

Recommended Memory Change (GB)

The amount of memory, in GB, that Commander recommends adding or removing. For a memory upsize,the number is positive; for a memory downsize, the number is negative.


The region of the instance or AMI/image.

Public cloud only.


The relationship of the VM to another VM in the hierarchy. The relationship can be self, child or parent.

Reserved CPU (GHz)

Guaranteed CPU allocation for the VM.

Reserved Memory (GB)

Guaranteed memory allocation for the VM.

Resource Group

The VM's resource group.

Azure only.

Resource Pool

The resource pool for the VM.

vCenter only.


The memory and CPU resources assigned to the VM.

For AWS, displays the instance's vCPU, memory and ECU (EC2 Compute Units).

Rightsizing Group

The rightsizing group assigned to the VM

Root Device Type

The VM's root device type; indicates where the root disk is stored. Values can be:

  • Block storage (for Azure)
  • EBS (for AWS)
  • Instance Store (for AWS)
  • Unknown

Public cloud only.

Running Status (Guest Tools)

The running status of VMware Tools (for vCenter) or Guest Integration Services (for SCVMM).

vCenter and SCVMM only.

Security Group Names

A comma-separated list of the security groups assigned when the instance was launched. A security group is a collection of firewall rules that restricts the network traffic for the instance.

AWS only.

Service Request

The number of service requests for this VM.

Snapshot Count

The number of snapshots for the VM.


If the VM is part of an AWS stack, provides a hyperlink to the parent stack.

AWS only.

Static Memory

Indicates whether the VM is configured with static memory in SCVMM (Yes or No).

SCVMM only.


Provides details on failures for VMs in SCVMM cloud accounts. Allows you to search for VMs with specific failure states. With the exception of the OK status, VMs with any of these statuses will have the Power State "Failed". To find all VMs in the "Failed" state, search on the Power State property. See also Manage Service Power States. The statuses, which map to SCVMM states, can be one of the following:

  • Checkpoint Failed
  • Creation Failed
  • Customization Failed
  • Migration Failed
  • OK
  • P2V Creation Failed
  • Replacement Failed
  • Template Creation Failed
  • Update Failed
  • Unsupported
  • Unsupported Cluster
  • Unsupported Shared Files
  • Update Failed
  • V2V Creation Failed

SCVMM only.

Suspect State

Indicates whether the VM is in a Suspect state (Yes or No).


Indicates the tenancy model used by an EC2 instance:

  • Default — The instance runs on shared hardware where the isolation is logical.
  • Dedicated — The instance runs on single-tenant hardware where the isolation is physical.
  • Host — The instance runs on a dedicated Host, which is an isolated server with configurations that you can control.
  • Unknown — No tenancy information is available.

AWS only.

Tier Usage (GB)

Properties are available for storage tiers 1 through 6, plus an Undefined Tier Usage (GB) property. If you have customized the storage tier labels, the customized labels are used.

These properties reflect total Provisioned Storage (GB), rather than Used Storage (GB), unless you have set an advanced system property. Create a case through the Flexera Support Hub for more information.

vCenter and SCVMM only.


Indicates whether a VM is a virtual machine or template.

Unallocated Disk Space (GB)

The difference between the virtual disk space (VMDK) and the physical disk space.

If the VM hasn't been scanned, or if VMware Tools aren't installed on vCenter VMS, the value is unknown.

  • For vCenter VMs, the property value is obtained from VMware Tools, if installed, for Windows, Linux, and FreeBSD VMs.
  • VMware Tools values for this property may be inaccurate for Linux VMs with an XFS partition.

Unpartitioned Disk Space (GB)

Disk space that's not divided into isolated sections.

For public cloud VMs, a value of Unknown is always displayed.

  • For vCenter VMs, the property value is obtained from VMware Tools, if installed, for Windows, Linux, and FreeBSD VMs.
  • VMware Tools values for this property may be inaccurate for Linux VMs with an XFS partition.


The time since the VM was last powered on. Uptime is reset if the VM is powered off, it resumes from a suspended state, or (for AWS only) its power is reset.

A Revert Snapshot event also resets the uptime value. If the snapshot is powered on, uptime is reset to the current time. If the snapshot is powered off, the VM is powered off.

Uptime values aren't affected by events such as a guest OS reboot, VMware Tools heartbeats and host and datastore migration.

For VMs that were powered on when the cloud account was added to Commander, uptime statistics are more accurate the further back in time you retrieve historical events.

Notes for vCenter VMs:

  • Commander uptime values don't depend on information retrieved from VMware, due to limitations in VMware's uptime calculations.
  • Uptime won't be reset to 0 for a VM that's reverted to a running snapshot while Commander is disconnected from the cloud account.

Used Storage (GB)

The total used storage, in GB, currently present in the VM's datastores, including all logs, snapshots, configuration files and other files.

For thin-provisioned disks, the current size of the files reflects the size of the data consumed by the VM, instead of the expected provisioned size. The difference between Provisioned Storage (GB) and Used Storage is significant for thin-provisioned disks.

Because additional files are created for snapshots, the number of snapshots affects this value.

This property represents the storage value used in the Actual Storage Sizes cost calculation.

Virtual Disk Size (GB)

The total expected size of all disks when they are fully provisioned. This value doesn't include swap memory, memory overhead space, or any other storage-related files.

Virtual Disk Size Scanned (GB)

The total size of all virtual disk-related files, including all logs, snapshots, configuration files and other files. For thick-provisioned disks, this value may be greater than the provisioned size. For thin-provisioned disks, the value may be less than the provisioned size.

Because additional files are created for snapshots, the number of snapshots affects this value.

Virtual Service Parent

The VM's parent vApp.

vCenter and Microsoft Azure only.

Version (Guest Tools)

The version of VMware Tools (for vCenter) or Guest Integration Services (for SCVMM).

Version Status (Guest Tools)

The version status of VMware Tools (for vCenter) or Guest Integration Services (for SCVMM).


If the VM is a vRouter providing fencing for VMs in a fenced network, indicates the vLAN number.


The name of the VPC (Virtual Private Cloud).

AWS only.


Indicates whether the VM is a vRouter for a fenced network (Yes or No).