A virtual machine.
name | data type | type | namespace | min/max occurs | description |
approvalState | ApprovalState | element | 0/1 | The approval state of this virtual machine. | |
availabilitySet | string | element | 0/1 | The availability Set type used for this virtual machine. | |
cluster | ManagedObjectReference | element | 0/1 | the cluster that VM lives in, null if not in a cluster | |
compliant | string | element | 0/1 | Checks if is compliant. | |
configFile | string | element | 0/1 | The location of the configuration file for this virtual machine; this includes the datastore name, the path to the vmx, and the vmx filename. | |
configGuestId | string | element | 0/1 | The short name system identifier of the configured guest OS. | |
connectionState | VirtualMachineConnectionState | element | 0/1 | The connection state of this virtual machine. | |
containerSpaceUsed | long | element | 1/1 | The size of the disks detected by the operating system, in bytes (Physical Disk Size). | |
cost | double | element | 1/1 | The annual cost of this virtual machine; this is calculated based on the software and resources used by this virtual machine using the cost configuration. | |
cpuLimit | long | element | 1/1 | The maximum amount of CPU this virtual machine can use, in MHz. | |
cpuReservation | long | element | 1/1 | The CPU reserved for this virtual machine, in MHz. | |
int | element | 1/1 | The number of CPU shares allocated to this virtual machine. | ||
VirtualMachineSharesLevel | element | 0/1 | The CPU shares level of this virtual machine. | ||
createdBy | string | element | 0/1 | The user ID of the person who created this virtual machine. | |
creationDate | long | element | 1/1 | The date this virtual machine was created, or the date the system became aware of it. | |
customizableOS | string | element | 0/1 | Checks if is customizable os. | |
datastores | list of ManagedObjectReference | element | 0/unbounded | The datastores where this virtual machine is stored. | |
diskSpaceCommitted | long | element | 1/1 | since 3.1 The committed disk space for this virtual machine, in bytes. It
includes The committed space includes disks, logs, snapshots,
configuration files, and possibly others, and reports the current
disk consumption for thin provisioned disks.
diskSpaceConsumed | long | element | 1/1 | The allocated size of virtual disks used by this virtual machine (Virtual Disk Size). | |
diskSpaceScanned | long | element | 1/1 | The size of the virtual machine and all associated files on the VMFS volume, in KB (Virtual Disk Size Scanned). | |
disks | list of VirtualMachineDisk | element | 0/unbounded | The virtual disks used by this virtual machine. | |
dnsName | string | element | 0/1 | The DNS host name of this virtual machine. | |
eolState | string | element | 0/1 | Checks if is eol state. | |
existsInInventory | string | element | 0/1 | Checks if is exists in inventory. | |
existsOnDisk | VirtualMachineExistsOnDisk | element | 0/1 | Whether the virtual machines files exist on disk. | |
expiryDate | dateTime | element | 0/1 | The expiry date of this virtual machine, if any. | |
expiryExtensionsRemaining | int | element | 0/1 | The expiry extensions remaining of this virtual machine, if any. | |
expiryState | ExpiryIntervals | element | 0/1 | The expiry state of this virtual machine. | |
freeDiskSpace | long | element | 1/1 | The free disk space available to the operating system, in bytes (Free Disk Space). | |
guestOS | string | element | 0/1 | The guest OS installed on the virtual machine; the installed OS if known, or configured otherwise. This is a human readable description of the operating system. | |
iamRole | string | element | 0/1 | Get the IAM Role | |
instanceType | VMInstanceType | element | 0/1 | The instance type used for this virtual machine. | |
ipAddress | string | element | 0/1 | The IP address of this virtual machine. | |
ipv4AddressString | string | element | 0/1 | All IP addresses (v4) of the guest OS. | |
ipv6AddressString | string | element | 0/1 | All IP addresses (v6) of the guest OS. | |
lastDatastoreScanDate | long | element | 1/1 | Gets the last datastore scan date. | |
lastDeployedDate | long | element | 1/1 | The date this virtual machine was last deployed from. | |
lastInInventoryDate | long | element | 1/1 | The date this virtual machine was last in inventory; this only applied to out of inventory virtual machines. | |
logicalDiskSize | long | element | 1/1 | The size of all partitioned disk space detected by the operating system, in bytes (Logical Disk Size). | |
macAddressString | string | element | 0/1 | Gets the mac address string. | |
memLimit | long | element | 1/1 | The maximum amount of memory this virtual machine can use, in MB. | |
memReservation | long | element | 1/1 | The memory reserved for this virtual machine, in MB. | |
int | element | 1/1 | The number of memory shares allocated to this virtual machine. | ||
VirtualMachineSharesLevel | element | 0/1 | The memory shares level of this virtual machine. | ||
memory | int | element | 1/1 | The amount of memory configured for this virtual machine, in MB. | |
mismatch | string | element | 0/1 | Checks if is mismatch. | |
networkCards | list of VirtualMachineNIC | element | 0/unbounded | The virtual network cards used by this virtual machine. | |
networkString | string | element | 0/1 | Gets the network string. | |
numCPU | int | element | 1/1 | The number of CPUs configured for this virtual machine. | |
objectHandleId | long | element | 1/1 | Gets the object handle id. | |
operationalStates | list of OperationalState | element | 0/unbounded | The operation states of this virtual machine. | |
organization | ManagedObjectReference | element | 0/1 | the organization | |
owners | list of OwnerInfo | element | 0/unbounded | The owners of this virtual machine. | |
parent | ManagedObjectReference | element | 0/1 | The parent of this virtual machine. | |
poweredOffSince | long | element | 1/1 | The last time this virtual machine was on; this is applicable only to virtual machines that are not in an ON state. | |
printEmbedded | string | element | 0/1 | Checks if is print embedded. | |
resourceGroup | ManagedObjectReference | element | 0/1 | this VM's ResourceGroup | |
resourcePool | ManagedObjectReference | element | 0/1 | The resource pool that contains this virtual machine; not applicable if the virtual machine is a template. | |
runningCost | double | element | 1/1 | The annual cost of this virtual machine; this is calculated based on the software and resources used by this virtual machine using the cost configuration. | |
runtimeGUID | string | element | 0/1 | The runtime globally unique identifier of this virtual machine. | |
runtimeServer | ManagedObjectReference | element | 0/1 | The runtime server this virtual machine is hosted by. | |
snapshotCount | int | element | 1/1 | The number of snapshots of this virtual machine. | |
state | VirtualMachineState | element | 0/1 | The power state of this virtual machine. | |
suspectState | string | element | 0/1 | Checks if is suspect state. | |
template | string | element | 0/1 | Checks if is template. | |
toolStatus | VirtualMachineToolsState | element | 0/1 | The status of any installed virtual machine tools (if installed). | |
unallocatedDiskSpace | long | element | 1/1 | The size of all unallocated disk space within the VMDK(s), in KB (Unallocated Disk Space). | |
unpartitionedDiskSpace | long | element | 1/1 | The size of all unpartitioned disk space within the VMDK(s), in KB (Unpartitioned Disk Space). | |
vmScanUser | string | element | 0/1 | The username to use when scanning inside-the-container if the credentials have been configured for this virtual machine. | |
Properties inherited from ServerInventoryItem |
attributes | list of AppliedAttribute | element | 0/unbounded | A collection of all the custom attributes that have been applied to this server inventory item, along with the applied values. | |
connected | boolean | element | 1/1 | Whether the server inventory item or its appropriate container is connected. | |
datastoreParent | ManagedObjectReference | element | 0/1 | A reference to the parent of the server inventory item in the Datastore view. Not all server inventory items appear in this view. If this value is null, then the object is at the root of the tree provided it can appear in the tree. | |
deployedParent | ManagedObjectReference | element | 0/1 | A reference to the parent of the server inventory item in the Deployed view. Not all server inventory items appear in this view. If this value is null, then the object is at the root of the tree provided it can appear in the tree. | |
expiryGroup | Attribute | element | 0/1 | The expiry group for this server inventory item. This is only applicable for virtual machines and repository images. | |
groups | list of Group | element | 0/unbounded | Gets the groups. | |
managementServer | ManagedObjectReference | element | 0/1 | A reference to the management server that owns this server inventory item. | |
managementServerType | ManagementServerType | element | 0/1 | Gets the management server type. | |
name | string | element | 0/1 | The display name of the server inventory item. | |
operationalParent | ManagedObjectReference | element | 0/1 | A reference to the parent of the server inventory item in the Operational view. Not all server inventory items appear in this view. If this value is null, then the object is at the root of the tree provided it can appear in the tree. | |
reference | ManagedObjectReference | element | 0/1 | A reference to this server inventory item that can be used to uniquely identify the object in a lightweight manner. | |
remoteId | string | element | 0/1 | The remote id of the server inventory item. | |
repositoryParent | ManagedObjectReference | element | 0/1 | A reference to the parent of the server inventory item in the Repository view. Not all server inventory items appear in this view. If this value is null, then the object is at the root of the tree provided it can appear in the tree. | |
Properties inherited from ManagedObjectReference |
displayName | string | element | 0/1 | Gets the display name. | |
id | long | element | 1/1 | The unique id of the managed object this refers to. | |
type | ManagedObjectType | element | 0/1 | The type of managed object this refers to. | |
Properties inherited from supportTemplating |
xsitype | string | attribute | 0/1 |
<VirtualMachine> <objectHandleId>...</objectHandleId> <lastDatastoreScanDate>...</lastDatastoreScanDate> <configFile>...</configFile> <state>...</state> <connectionState>...</connectionState> <runtimeGUID>...</runtimeGUID> <template>...</template> <guestOS>...</guestOS> <configGuestId>...</configGuestId> <numCPU>...</numCPU> <memory>...</memory> <instanceType> <id>...</id> <managementServerType>...</managementServerType> <instanceFamily>...</instanceFamily> <instanceType>...</instanceType> <description>...</description> <name>...</name> <processorArch>...</processorArch> <vcpu>...</vcpu> <ecu>...</ecu> <memory>...</memory> <storage>...</storage> <instanceStorage>...</instanceStorage> <ebsOptimizedAvailable>...</ebsOptimizedAvailable> <networkPerformance>...</networkPerformance> <maxENIs>...</maxENIs> <maxIPsPerENI>...</maxIPsPerENI> <availableForSpotInstance>...</availableForSpotInstance> </instanceType> <availabilitySet>...</availabilitySet> <toolStatus>...</toolStatus> <ipAddress>...</ipAddress> <networkString>...</networkString> <macAddressString>...</macAddressString> <ipv4AddressString>...</ipv4AddressString> <ipv6AddressString>...</ipv6AddressString> <dnsName>...</dnsName> <operationalStates>...</operationalStates> <cpuReservation>...</cpuReservation> <cpuLimit>...</cpuLimit> <cpuShares>...</cpuShares> <cpuSharesLevel>...</cpuSharesLevel> <memReservation>...</memReservation> <memLimit>...</memLimit> <memShares>...</memShares> <memSharesLevel>...</memSharesLevel> <diskSpaceConsumed>...</diskSpaceConsumed> <diskSpaceCommitted>...</diskSpaceCommitted> <customizableOS>...</customizableOS> <networkCards> <macAddress>...</macAddress> <adapterType>...</adapterType> <uniqueNetId>...</uniqueNetId> <logicalNetwork>...</logicalNetwork> <name>...</name> <addressType>...</addressType> <id>...</id> <summary>...</summary> <uuid>...</uuid> <vmId>...</vmId> <key>...</key> <label>...</label> <connected>...</connected> <startConnected>...</startConnected> </networkCards> <disks> <size>...</size> <diskType>...</diskType> <iops>...</iops> <diskMode>...</diskMode> <fileName>...</fileName> <datastore> <displayName>...</displayName> <type>...</type> <id>...</id> </datastore> <id>...</id> <summary>...</summary> <uuid>...</uuid> <vmId>...</vmId> <key>...</key> <label>...</label> <connected>...</connected> <startConnected>...</startConnected> </disks> <parent xsitype="..."> <displayName>...</displayName> <type>...</type> <id>...</id> </parent> <runtimeServer xsitype="..."> <displayName>...</displayName> <type>...</type> <id>...</id> </runtimeServer> <resourcePool xsitype="..."> <displayName>...</displayName> <type>...</type> <id>...</id> </resourcePool> <datastores xsitype="..."> <displayName>...</displayName> <type>...</type> <id>...</id> </datastores> <creationDate>...</creationDate> <createdBy>...</createdBy> <iamRole>...</iamRole> <printEmbedded>...</printEmbedded> <existsInInventory>...</existsInInventory> <existsOnDisk>...</existsOnDisk> <approvalState>...</approvalState> <owners xsitype="..."> <id>...</id> <loginId>...</loginId> <displayName>...</displayName> <email>...</email> <itContact>...</itContact> <primary>...</primary> </owners> <eolState>...</eolState> <expiryDate>...</expiryDate> <expiryExtensionsRemaining>...</expiryExtensionsRemaining> <expiryState>...</expiryState> <suspectState>...</suspectState> <mismatch>...</mismatch> <diskSpaceScanned>...</diskSpaceScanned> <containerSpaceUsed>...</containerSpaceUsed> <cost>...</cost> <runningCost>...</runningCost> <freeDiskSpace>...</freeDiskSpace> <logicalDiskSize>...</logicalDiskSize> <snapshotCount>...</snapshotCount> <unallocatedDiskSpace>...</unallocatedDiskSpace> <unpartitionedDiskSpace>...</unpartitionedDiskSpace> <vmScanUser>...</vmScanUser> <lastDeployedDate>...</lastDeployedDate> <lastInInventoryDate>...</lastInInventoryDate> <poweredOffSince>...</poweredOffSince> <compliant>...</compliant> <organization xsitype="..."> <displayName>...</displayName> <type>...</type> <id>...</id> </organization> <cluster xsitype="..."> <displayName>...</displayName> <type>...</type> <id>...</id> </cluster> <resourceGroup xsitype="..."> <displayName>...</displayName> <type>...</type> <id>...</id> </resourceGroup> <reference> <displayName>...</displayName> <type>...</type> <id>...</id> </reference> <managementServer> <displayName>...</displayName> <type>...</type> <id>...</id> </managementServer> <connected>...</connected> <remoteId>...</remoteId> <name>...</name> <operationalParent> <displayName>...</displayName> <type>...</type> <id>...</id> </operationalParent> <deployedParent> <displayName>...</displayName> <type>...</type> <id>...</id> </deployedParent> <repositoryParent> <displayName>...</displayName> <type>...</type> <id>...</id> </repositoryParent> <datastoreParent> <displayName>...</displayName> <type>...</type> <id>...</id> </datastoreParent> <attributes> <id>...</id> <attribute/> <value>...</value> </attributes> <expiryGroup> <name>...</name> <description>...</description> <targetManagedObjectTypes>...</targetManagedObjectTypes> <allowedValues/> <portalEditable>...</portalEditable> <enumerated>...</enumerated> <costItems/> <regularExpression>...</regularExpression> <validationMessage>...</validationMessage> <subList>...</subList> <parentId>...</parentId> <parentName>...</parentName> </expiryGroup> <groups> <groupType>...</groupType> <permanent>...</permanent> </groups> <managementServerType>...</managementServerType> </VirtualMachine>