Describes the state of a task. Returned by calls that result in long-running tasks being created so that the caller can request later updates to the task state.
name | data type | type | namespace | min/max occurs | description |
correlationId | string | element | 0/1 | the system assigned ID uniquely identifying this task | |
destination | string | element | 0/1 | A description of the destination of the task. This information is displayed in the Destination column in the Web UI | |
finalState | string | element | 0/1 | Is this task in a final state? | |
name | string | element | 0/1 | The name of the task. | |
percentComplete | int | element | 1/1 | The approximate percent completion of this task. Completion percentages are only updated for some tasks. For all other tasks, this number will change from 0 to 100 when a task enters its completion state. | |
list of ManagedObjectReference | element | 0/unbounded | The managed objects that are related to this task. The execution of a task may involve many objects. For example, the generating of a VM Inventory Report relates to the VM and to the generated report. | ||
source | string | element | 0/1 | A description of the source of the task. This information is displayed in the Source column in the Web UI | |
state | TaskState | element | 0/1 | The current state of the task. | |
timeCompleted | string | element | 0/1 | Possible completion states include COMPLETE, CANCELLED, and FAILED. | |
timeStarted | string | element | 0/1 | The time that the task was started by V-Commander. | |
timeSubmitted | string | element | 0/1 | The time that the task was submitted to V-Commander. | |
userid | string | element | 0/1 | The userid of the user that initiated the task. If the task was originated by policy, then this is the name of that policy | |
Properties inherited from ManagedObjectReference |
displayName | string | element | 0/1 | Gets the display name. | |
id | long | element | 1/1 | The unique id of the managed object this refers to. | |
type | ManagedObjectType | element | 0/1 | The type of managed object this refers to. | |
Properties inherited from supportTemplating |
xsitype | string | attribute | 0/1 |
<TaskInfo> <state>...</state> <userid>...</userid> <name>...</name> <timeSubmitted>...</timeSubmitted> <timeStarted>...</timeStarted> <timeCompleted>...</timeCompleted> <source>...</source> <destination>...</destination> <percentComplete>...</percentComplete> <relatedObjects xsitype="..."> <displayName>...</displayName> <type>...</type> <id>...</id> </relatedObjects> <finalState>...</finalState> <correlationId>...</correlationId> <displayName>...</displayName> <type>...</type> <id>...</id> </TaskInfo>