PlacementAttribute Data Type

One of the two types of placement attributes - this placement attribute's allowed values are simply a list. By identifying the capabilities of each deployment destination and the requirements of a service, placement attributes help ensure that service requests are deployed to the best destination. For example, placement attributes can help vCommander decide whether to deploy to public or private cloud, or which datacenter or geographic region is best suited to a service.

name data type type namespace min/max occurs description
allowedValues list of string element 0/unbounded the values that users can select from to either identify the capabilities of a deployment destination or the requirement of a service
Properties inherited from PlacementAttributeBase
description string element 0/1 descriptive text for the attribute. This description is optional. However, if you use this field, the details that you enter here are displayed when a user selects a attribute name.
id long element 0/1 the id of this placement attribute
isEditableInPortal string element 0/1 whether a user is allowed to change the value of the attribute in the Service Portal.
name string element 0/1 the name that appears for users to select when they apply an attribute to an infrastructure element, or for administrators to select when adding attributes to a request form
Properties inherited from supportTemplating
xsitype string attribute 0/1  


<PlacementAttribute xsitype="...">