ManagementServer Data Type

A management server being managed by the system.

name data type type namespace min/max occurs description
address string element 0/1 The IP address or domain name of this management server.
createdDate long element 1/1 The date the management server was added to the system.
datastores list of ManagedObjectReference element 0/unbounded The datastores being managed by this management server.
earliestRetrievedHistoricEvent long element 1/1 The date of the earliest historical event; this is -1 if historical events have never been retrieved from this management server.
managedBy string element 0/1 The IP address or host name of the system managing this management server.
mgmtServiceVersion string element 0/1 The version information of this management server.
port int element 1/1 The port on the server used to access management services (e.g. VMWare Infrastructure SDK).
rootFolder ManagedObjectReference element 0/1 The root datacenter folder on this management server.
runtimeServers list of ManagedObjectReference element 0/unbounded The runtime servers being managed by this management server.
serverType ManagementServerType element 0/1 The type of the management server; VMWare, SCVMM, for example.
unmanaged string element 0/1 Whether this management server is currently being managed by this system; this would be false if it is being managed by another system.
username string element 0/1 The username to use to authenticate the system with the management service.
Properties inherited from ServerInventoryItem
attributes list of AppliedAttribute element 0/unbounded A collection of all the custom attributes that have been applied to this server inventory item, along with the applied values.
connected boolean element 1/1 Whether the server inventory item or its appropriate container is connected.
datastoreParent ManagedObjectReference element 0/1 A reference to the parent of the server inventory item in the Datastore view. Not all server inventory items appear in this view. If this value is null, then the object is at the root of the tree provided it can appear in the tree.
deployedParent ManagedObjectReference element 0/1 A reference to the parent of the server inventory item in the Deployed view. Not all server inventory items appear in this view. If this value is null, then the object is at the root of the tree provided it can appear in the tree.
expiryGroup Attribute element 0/1 The expiry group for this server inventory item. This is only applicable for virtual machines and repository images.
groups list of Group element 0/unbounded Gets the groups.
managementServer ManagedObjectReference element 0/1 A reference to the management server that owns this server inventory item.
managementServerType ManagementServerType element 0/1 Gets the management server type.
name string element 0/1 The display name of the server inventory item.
operationalParent ManagedObjectReference element 0/1 A reference to the parent of the server inventory item in the Operational view. Not all server inventory items appear in this view. If this value is null, then the object is at the root of the tree provided it can appear in the tree.
reference ManagedObjectReference element 0/1 A reference to this server inventory item that can be used to uniquely identify the object in a lightweight manner.
remoteId string element 0/1 The remote id of the server inventory item.
repositoryParent ManagedObjectReference element 0/1 A reference to the parent of the server inventory item in the Repository view. Not all server inventory items appear in this view. If this value is null, then the object is at the root of the tree provided it can appear in the tree.
Properties inherited from ManagedObjectReference
displayName string element 0/1 Gets the display name.
id long element 1/1 The unique id of the managed object this refers to.
type ManagedObjectType element 0/1 The type of managed object this refers to.
Properties inherited from supportTemplating
xsitype string attribute 0/1  


  <rootFolder xsitype="...">