HaPolicy Data Type

name data type type namespace min/max occurs description
cpuPercentage int element 1/1 The percentage of CPU set aside. Set if the HA Policy is WSHaPolicy.RESOURCE_PERCENTAGE.
details string element 0/1 The friendly property to describe the details of the HA Policy.
enabled string element 0/1 Is the HA Policy enabled?
failoverHosts list of ManagedObjectReference element 0/unbounded The hosts that are reserved for backing up the primary hosts to ensure availability. Set if the HA Policy is WSHaPolicy.SPECIFY_HOSTS.
failoverLevel int element 1/1 The number of host failures that may be tolerated. Set if the HA Policy is WSHaPolicy.HOST_FAILOVER_TOLERANCE.
memoryPercentage int element 1/1 The percentage of memory set aside. Set if the HA Policy is WSHaPolicy.RESOURCE_PERCENTAGE.
policyType HaPolicyType element 0/1 The HA Policy Type.


  <failoverHosts xsitype="...">