DataStoreType Data Type

The possible types for a datastore.

value description
VMFS VMware Virtual Machine File System.
NFS Network File System.
CIFS Common Internet File System.
UNKNOWN Unknown datastore type.
HYPERV_LOCAL The hyperv local.
HYPERV_REMOTE The hyperv remote.
HYPERV_SHARED_STORAGE The hyperv shared storage.
AMAZON_EBS The amazon ebs.
AMAZON_S3 The AMAZO n_ s3.
OPENSTACK_BLOCK_STORAGE OpenStack block storage.
OPENSTACK_STORAGE OpenStack storage.
AZURE The azure.
ARM_STORAGE Azure Storage.
ARM_BLOB_STORAGE Azure Blob Storage.
ARM_MANAGED_STORAGE Azure Managed Storage.
GCP_ZONE_STORAGE Google Cloud Zonal Storage.
GCP_REGION_STORAGE Google Cloud Regional Storage.