ChangeApprovalWorkflowDefinition Data Type

A change request approval workflow definition.

name data type type namespace min/max occurs description
Organizations list of ManagedObjectReference element 0/unbounded If non-global, what organizations does this apply to.
Users list of OwnerInfo element 0/unbounded If non-global, what users/groups does this apply to.
autoChangeFulfillmentFormOptions list of AutoChangeFulfillmentFormOption element 0/unbounded Gets the auto change fulfillment form options.
autoChangeFulfillmentRule AutoChangeFulfillmentRule element 0/1 Gets the auto change fulfillment rule.
autoChangeFulfillmentRuleOption AutoChangeFulfillmentRuleOption element 0/1 Applicable only when autoChangeFulfillmentRule is ALWAYS or SCHEDULED.
formIds list of long element 0/unbounded What forms does it apply to. This will be ignored if autoChangeFulfillmentRule is NONE.
fulfillImmediately string element 0/1 Gets the fulfill immediately flag. This determines if we can fulfill the non disruptive parts of the request immediately.
Properties inherited from WorkflowDefinition
StepRepresentations list of ObjectRepresentation element 0/unbounded A collection of workflow step definition representations. These are only representations - use the original Ids to retreive the actual step definitions.
Steps list of WorkflowStepDefinition element 0/unbounded A collection of workflow step definitions. These are the real definitions. The service will not return these but rather their representations. These are only used when requesting workflow definition creation using these step definitions.
changeDescription string element 0/1 Gets the Description of Changes
global string element 0/1 Checks if is global.
name string element 0/1 Gets the name.
targetType ManagedObjectType element 0/1 the targetType
workflowType WorkflowType element 0/1 Gets the workflow type.
Properties inherited from ManagedObjectReference
displayName string element 0/1 Gets the display name.
id long element 1/1 The unique id of the managed object this refers to.
type ManagedObjectType element 0/1 The type of managed object this refers to.
Properties inherited from supportTemplating
xsitype string attribute 0/1  


  <autoChangeFulfillmentFormOptions xsitype="...">
  <Users xsitype="...">
  <Organizations xsitype="...">