Installing and Launching

For a first installation of Commander, follow the instructions below.

For an upgrade to a newer version of Commander, go to Upgrade Commander.

Need help with your installation?

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To install Commander:

  1. Log in to Snow Commander Support Downloads and download the Commander installation package.

  2. Double-click the installation executable.
  3. In the Installation wizard, click Next.
  4. Accept the terms of the license agreement.
  5. Read the customer experience page.
  6. Follow the wizard and use the following table to help you fill in the fields.




    Make sure to use backward slashes for the installation path. Forward slashes cause installation errors.


    Use a SQL Server database (recommended for all production environments).

    PostgreSQL is also included with Commander (recommended for non-production environments only). For more information, see Scaling Required Hardware.

    Account Configuration

    Enter the username and password for the local or domain account you configured earlier. For more information, see Create a local or domain account for the Commander Service.

    Enter a domain if required.

    Account Configuration (2)

    Enter and confirm the password for the default superuser account.

    If you want to use the two default Service Portal accounts, enter and confirm their passwords. If you don't enter passwords for these accounts, they'll be disabled (but you can enable them later).

    Passwords must have a minimum of eight characters and contain at least one of each of the following: uppercase letter [A-Z], lowercase letter [a-z], number [0-9], and special character [@$!%*?&#^()-_+={}[]:;"'<>,.|\/].

    Passwords for local accounts are stored in Commander in encrypted format, using 256 bit AES encryption.

    Commander Port

    The port number for the Commander web interface. Use the default or change to the port you require.

    You can change this port later using the Snow Commander Control Panel.

    Service Portal Port

    The port number for the Service Portal web interface. Use the default or change to the port you require.

    Configuring a separate port for the Service Portal allows you to open your firewall for the Service Portal port only, preventing Service Portal users from accessing Commander.

    You can also change this port later using the Snow Commander Control Panel.

    Access URLs: If you configure a separate port for the Service Portal, users access the Service Portal at:
    https://<host name or IP address>:<port>

    Or, optionally:
    https://<host name or IP address>:<port>/portal

    Admin Port

    Use the default or change to the port you require. You can change this port later using the Snow Commander Control Panel.

    Hyper-V Adapter Port

    The port number for the Microsoft Hyper-V Adapter. Use the default port or change to the port you require.

    Applicable only if you'll add Microsoft Hyper-V SCVMM cloud accounts to Commander.

    PostgreSQL database port

    If you're using the default database, change the database port if required.

    SQL Server database

    For a SQL Server database, you must configure the connection to the SQL server:

    • Enter the server name, database name, either Instance name or port, user name, password, and domain (optional).
    • Change the server port if required.

    If you're specifying a local account from the SQL server, you must enter the SQL server's host name in the domain name field as shown in this example:

    • Server:
    • Database: v-commander For a SQL Server database, you must configure the connection to the SQL server:
    • User: sqluser (SQL Server is configured with Windows or Mixed Mode Authentication. "sqluser" is a local Windows user account.)
    • Password: ***
    • Domain: sql-production

    If you install Commander and the Microsoft SQL database on the same machine (not recommended), you must add the SQL server as a dependency of the Commander Windows service after Commander is installed. To do so, once Commander is installed, open a command prompt on the Commander server and run the following command:
    sc config vlm depend= Tcpip/Afd/MSSQLSERVER

  7. Once the installation is complete, launch Commander at https://<server_hostname_or_IP_address> using your browser.

    If you specified a non-default Commander port during installation, the URL to access Commander is https://<server_hostname_or_IP_address>:<port>

  8. Sign in with the user name superuser and the password you set for the superuser account on the Account Configuration page of the wizard.
  9. A warning appears, notifying you that you're using an evaluation license. If you've been given a license key:
    1. Click View Licensing Details.
    2. On the Licensing page, click Update License.
    3. In the New License field of the Update License dialog, paste your license key and click Save.

    The Licensing page updates with your license details.