Set Up Billing Retrieval in AWS

Before you set up Commander to retrieve billing records from AWS, you must have an Amazon S3 bucket with the required permissions and an AWS billing report with the applicable settings.

To enable Commander to retrieve billing data from AWS, do the following in the AWS Management Console:

  1. Create an S3 bucket
  2. Configure permissions
  3. Create an AWS billing report

After you set up billing retrieval in the AWS Management Console, you can then retrieve AWS billing data. For more information, see Retrieving AWS billing data.

IAM users need permissions to view, create, delete, and modify the Cost and Usage Reports in the AWS Billing and Cost Management console. For more information about setting up permissions, see Billing and Cost Management Permissions Reference in the AWS documentation.

Create an S3 bucket

To create a bucket that will receive the billing report for a paying account:

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console.
  2. Go to the S3 Management Console.
  3. Click Create bucket.
  4. In the Bucket name field, enter a name for the bucket.

    The bucket name must contain between 3 and 63 characters and no spaces. You can use lowercase letters, numbers, hyphens and periods, but no underscores in your bucket name.

  5. Select the Region where you want to bucket to reside.

    This is for the location only and doesn't impact the report data or Commander.

  6. Click Create.

Configure permissions

To configure the permissions required for AWS to deliver the report to the S3 bucket:

  1. In the S3 console, select the bucket that will receive the reports.
  2. Go to the Permissions tab, and click Bucket Policy.
  3. Copy the following policy and paste it in the Bucket policy editor.
  4. In the bucket policy, replace the bucketname string with the name of the bucket you created in Create an S3 bucket.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Adjust the Commander AWS IAM role to have read permission on the S3 bucket and its content.

Create an AWS billing report

To create the AWS billing report from which billing data will be retrieved:

  1. Go to the Billing & Cost Management Dashboard at
  2. From the left-side navigation menu, select Cost & Usage Reports.
  3. Click Create report.
  4. For Report name, enter a name for your report.
  5. For Additional report details, select Include resource IDs to include the individual resource IDs in the report.
  6. Click Next.
  7. For S3 bucket, click Configure.
  8. In the Configure S3 Bucket dialog, enter the S3 bucket name you created in Create an S3 bucket.
  9. Click Next.
  10. Select I have confirmed that this policy is correct and click Save.
  11. For Report path prefix, enter the prefix that you want to prepend to the name of your report.

    This creates an additional subdirectory for the report: <report-prefix>/<report-name>/yyyymmdd-yyyymmdd/<assemblyId>/<report-name>-<file-number>.csv.<zip|gz>. This is the path that you enter for Report Prefix in the AWS Billing Data Settings dialog.

  12. For Time granularity, select Daily to aggregate line items in the report by the day.

    This option results in better performance than Hourly granularity.

  13. For Compression type, select either GZIP or ZIP.
  14. Click Next.
  15. On the Review page, click Review and Complete.

    It might take up to 24 hours for your report from Amazon to be generated, so the Test button on the AWS Billing Data Settings dialog in Commander might not work right away.