Manage Splunk Integrations

Commander can obtain Windows guest OS performance data for your virtualized infrastructure from Splunk, a data collection and analysis tool. Commander retrieves third-party performance data whenever performance data is updated (either manually or as part of the nightly performance update). Commander then combines Windows Guest OS and VM performance information before generating recommendations.

The source of the performance data is included in the rightsizing recommendation. As shown in the image below, VM performance data appears first, followed by Guest OS performance data. Note that because the hypervisor (such as VMware) and Splunk use different metrics, VM performance data, and Guest OS performance data values may differ.

You can optimize the Update VM Performance query with Splunk to optimize the process when performance data is being requested from the Splunk server. See Optimize the VM Performance Query with Splunk.

Create system credentials for the Splunk server

Commander supports Splunk version 6 or higher, with the HTTPS protocol.


Configuration > Credentials

Available to:

Commander Role of Superuser and Enterprise Admin

  1. On the Credentials page, click Add.
  2. Enter the user name and password for a Splunk account.
  3. For the description, enter "Splunk", to serve as a memory aid to administrators when configuring tasks requiring credentials.
  4. From Category, select System Credentials.
  5. Click OK.

Disable or remove the Splunk server

Disabling an external server makes the server unavailable for connections but saves the settings, meaning that you can return to the configuration dialog later and re-enable it.


Configuration > System

Available to:

Commander Role of Superuser

To disable an external server:

  1. Click the Integration tab.
  2. On the Integration page, select the server you want to disable, and click Edit.
  3. Clear the Enabled checkbox, and click OK.

To remove an external server:

  1. Click the Integration tab.
  2. On the Integration page, select the server you want to remove, and click Remove.
  3. Click Yes to confirm the change.