AWS Reserved Instance Utilization Report

The AWS EC2 Reserved Instance (RI) Utilization Report displays usage and costs associated with RIs for a time range you select, which allows you to check for underutilized reservations. It also displays cost savings when compared to on-demand instances.

You can select the currency for your report. All costs shown in the report will be converted to this currency.

To retrieve Reserved Instance Utilization information from Amazon, you must enable Amazon's Cost Explorer. For more information, see Set up your AWS account with Amazon Cost Explorer.

This report doesn't support any markup or discount cost adjustments you've made to the cost model and isn't available for Service Portal users.

This report shows only AWS EC2 reservations for Compute Instances.

There's a fee of $0.01 USD per request to AWS to retrieve recommendation data. Generally, two requests are required per report. For cloud accounts with many resources, multiple requests may be required. These request fees will be visible on the Cost Dashboard.

Report settings


Reports > Chargeback & IT Costing > AWS Reserved Instance Utilization

Available to:

All Access Rights Levels

During: Specify a time period for the report.

  • When you select By Period, the period will be the last completed timespan. For example, if the current month is May and you select Last 3 Months, the range for the report will be February, March, and April.
  • When you select By Dates, the From Date must be at least 2 days before the current date and can't be earlier than 12 months ago, at the first of the month. For example on August 24, 2020, the earliest day selectable for the From Date is August 1, 2019, and the latest day selectable for the From Date is August 22, 2020. The To Date must be at least 1 day before the current date.

    To see data points on the summary graph for a given month, if you intend to use Monthly Granularity, your date selection must include the last day of that month.

Granularity: Select Daily or Monthly depending on the level of detail you want to include in your report. To see data points on the summary graph for a given month, when you select Monthly, your Duration must include the last day of that month.

Cloud Account: You can select your AWS payer account, individual linked accounts, or a GovCloud account. When you select a payer account, you have the option to retrieve data for its linked accounts using the Linked Accounts setting described below. If you select a linked account that doesn't have direct access to Amazon's Cost Explorer, the associated payer account's access will be used. If you select a linked account, only data for that account will be shown in the report.

Region: The regions available will be the ones associated with the cloud account you selected. When you select a specific region, and are retrieving data for a payer account with the Include Linked Accounts option selected, then all accounts within that region are shown, even if they aren't managed by Commander. When you select All, with the Include Linked Accounts option selected, a superset of pre-configured regions is used. This superset includes selected regions for the payer account and all the linked accounts found in Commander.

Linked Accounts: You can select None to view data from only the cloud account you selected above. Select Include Linked Accounts to see data from the payer account and the linked accounts associated with the payer account, including any GovCloud accounts, even if the linked accounts aren't managed by Commander.

Currency: Select the currency for the report. All costs shown in the report will be converted to this currency.

After you click Generate, you can cancel the generation of this report before it completes by right-clicking on the generation task line in the Task window and selecting Cancel.

Understanding the report

The AWS Reserved Instance Utilization report provides a summary of the cost of your RI usage over a specific time period and a breakdown of information about instances per region.

On-Demand Cost Equivalent: The amount it would have cost if you had used on-demand instances. The equivalent public on-demand cost of the reservation hours used.

Effective Reservation Cost: The amount your RIs cost for the time period you selected. The amortized upfront and recurring cost of the reservation hours purchased.

Total Net Savings: The amount you saved by using RIs instead of on-demand instances. Calculated as the on-demand cost equivalent minus the effective reservation cost.

Total Potential Savings: The amount you could save if you optimized RIs. The potential savings if reservations were fully utilized.

This report can be exported to both CSV and PDF formats.